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I haven’t done one of these posts in a while (the whole tagging someone and answering questions thing, that is). But, since I seem to be lacking in creativity lately and I’m pretty sure my readers are bored to tears, I thought I’d give this a go. Who doesn’t love a good interview now and […]


March 30, 2012


Ever since the husband and I started trying for baby number two, I’ve asked myself what the bond between myself and a second child might be like. I know that I could (and would) love another child. There is no doubt in my mind about that. Boy or girl, whichever child comes into our family […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

March 28, 2012

Something Special

This is going to be the last tutorial in the Move to Manual Series! Next week, I’m going to go over setting up a shot and how I prepare my settings and position my subject. Next weeks post won’t go up until Tuesday because I want you guys to take a full week to review the tutorials […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 27, 2012

Move to Manual: Understanding Metering

I feel like everything on my blog lately is the same: confessions about my lack of time to do much of anything… expressions of how utterly exhausted I am most days… excitement for all of the things that I want to do… and happiness over the design waiting list that continues to grow. Let me emphasize […]

Family, Lifestyle, Random Things, Work at Home Mom

March 21, 2012


We are slowly winding down this series on understanding your camera a bit better and making that jump from Auto to Manual. I really appreciate all of the feedback that you guys have given and I hope that you are all enjoying this series as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together. To view all […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 18, 2012

Move to Manual: Understanding Focal Points

I have a million things that I could talk about today. I could talk about the tears I shed when someone I consider to be a dear friend, though we’ve never met in person, messaged me on Twitter to let me know that she was expecting. She wanted to tell me, personally, before announcing it […]

Family, Lifestyle, Military Life, Work at Home Mom

March 15, 2012


Can you guys believe we are coming to the end of our Move to Manual journey?! It’s hard to believe that we started this just a few weeks ago and have already discussed so much. Are you guys learning a lot? I’ve enjoyed seeing all of you post your images over in the Group Flickr […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 11, 2012

Move to Manual: White Balance

Today’s Feature Friday Blogger is one of the most genuine people I think I’ve ever “met” (online, of course). I started reading Jessica’s Bloga long, long time ago (back when I was still a newbie and had a terrible blogger template). I fell in love with her words and her authenticity; with her bravery and […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

March 8, 2012

Feature Friday: Unwavering Love

I wish I had words for you today friends. But truthfully, I’m doing my very best to keep my eyes open long enough to get this post up. Business is good, to say the least. And I’m exhausted trying to keep up with all of it. I feel humbled. Blessed beyond belief to be doing […]

Random Things

March 7, 2012

In Waves

I’m a dreamer by nature. I was born that way, I guess. Even when I was little, I was constantly envisioning myself living somewhere else…somewhere far away. Exploring the world, experiencing life and all that it had to offer. Traveling from place to place. Learning new languages, eating exotic foods, exposing myself to culture and […]

Family, Lifestyle, Random Things, Work at Home Mom

March 6, 2012

If Time Wasn’t a Factor

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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template customization

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