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Why We are Homeschooling

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  1. […] spent a lot of time debating whether or not to send our son to PreSchool before deciding that Homeschooling might work better for our family. I weighed the options and really thought it through before I made my […]

  2. Muminator says:

    I’m sure you will be a great teacher 🙂 After all, you know your child better than anyone!

  3. Robin says:

    Wow, congrats Courtney! GULP… I personally know how big of a decision THAT is… we are on our 3rd year of homeschooling. It’s so much like parenting… you never know what it’s really like until you actual tackle it. It has so many challenges and so many blessings. Just keep in mind that you’ve been teaching Noah all along and homeschooling is a natural flow out of that. If I can help in any way, let me know.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Most definitely. It’s taking some getting used to and loads of time management on my part, but I really think it’s going to be worth it. And I agree completely. There is so much more to homeschooling (and parenting!) than people let on. It’s just not something you are ever fully prepared for. Thanks girl! I will probably definitely be calling on you for help!

  4. Meagan says:

    I read this on my phone days ago and have been meaning to get back to comment…I’m so glad y’all made a decision that you’re happy with! I’m sure he will thrive at home with you, and you’ll get to enjoy more time with him too. Good luck! 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Meagan! 🙂 He really seems to be enjoying it! He’s loving the games and puzzles we’re doing with the ABC’s and he seems to really be grasping it.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    In our mind, the choices were homeschool or christian school. I definitely do not have ‘rosey glasses’ on and know that she will still (has already!) be threatened with peer pressure issues and can’t escape ‘worldly’ influences in a christian school, but for right now that’s the path we’ve be able to choose. We love the small class sizes, small overall school size, and of course the Bible (Gospel) being a central part of all she learns there.
    When my hubby was going through the Army Chaplaincy application process and the possibility of an Army lifestyle entered the picture, I had pretty much decided we’d homeschool. It just ‘makes sense’ for the military lifestyle. Now that we know it’s not in our future, she’ll stay where she is in school.
    So I completely see your reasonings. As to whether you are overloading yourself… time will tell. You will have to keep in prayer about priorities and just pray for clarity on which things have to go, if any…. not easy, but worth the sacrifice.
    I wish you well! 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I graduated from a Christian Private School, so I understand where you are coming from. The peer pressure is definitely no different, but the small class size and extra-curricular activities, as well as the advanced curriculum were beneficial when I was in high school. There are pros and cons to all of it; but I think it’s a matter of preference. As for over-loading myself…I’m just taking it one day at a time. I keep a to-do list and just get what I can done day by day.

  6. Those all sound like really good reasons to homeschool. We don’t and likely won’t because I’m not sure either of us could do that well. Plus, with the kind of kid Connor is, I think he does well in a setting with other kids and learning from people who aren’t his parents. He listens better. 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Noah does, too. To an extent. We haven’t decided whether or not we will homeschool the whole time he’s in school, or just for a few years. I think that’s something that we will decide later on. If he does well with homeschooling, we’ll likely stick to it because of the military lifestyle and the benefits of non-traditional schooling. But, if he decides later that he would rather be in school, we’ll probably give it a go, too.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.