I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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When Fear becomes Reality

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  1. […] (which had been my most popular and most commented on post—48 comments and counting—before my blog crashed). The point to both of these posts is this: We all judge. Most of us know that it’s wrong and […]

  2. Ashley says:

    I’m so sorry! How do I back-up my blog?? Definitely keep blogging, all your friends and community are still there. Lovely pictures too! xo

  3. Adriel says:

    Oh. My. Goodness. I totally feel for you!!! Just after I transferred to WP I was trying to do something really simple (can’t even remember what it is now) and inserted one tiny line of code that crashed my entire blog. I nearly had a heart attack. Thank God I was able to go in through the back end through my host and find that line of code on my php or whatever it’s called and delete it. (And thank God I remembered what the line of code looked like so that I could scroll through a billion lines of blah blah blah that means nothing to me and find it! I definitely had a good couple of hours of wanting to cry/vomit/throw something/freeze time/etc!!! It was terrible. I’m so glad you at least have your posts… but I’m so, so sorry about your comments!!! (Do you have your comments in your email? I have email notification turned on for my comments… and although it’s nowhere near like having them on the posts, at least I can still read them if I want to… Just a thought.) Anyway, so happy you’re getting it sorted out. AND… tomorrow I get a new plug-in for backing mine up. (I had tired one but I don’t think I installed it right. I need WP plug-ins for dummies still.) *sigh*
    p.s. For the record, I’m so glad you didn’t throw in the towel!!! Keep blogging! xx

  4. Marah Mumma says:

    these pictures are beautiful!

  5. […] building up my new Design Website, losing every bit of content I had on this blog, redoing it and republishing over 350 posts, and generating an entirely new blog design and website […]

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copyright © 2008-2024 | Courtney Kirkland | powered by Jesus, Coffee, and showit,


Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.