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Things I Wish I Could Say

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  1. Laura says:

    I censor myself often on the blog. And Facebook. And Twitter. I think I notice it more on Twitter. I have gotten good with it on the blog. I know what topics to tackle and what not to. I make it work by trying to stay within a specific “genre” or “topic” to keep the flow. And on Facebook it is easy to keep my mouth shut because there is more open, and public discussion. I prefer to avoid conflict, so keeping my mouth shut on Facebook does just that. But Twitter… I often find myself writing a tweet only to backspace it and close the window seconds later.

    That being said, I hate – HATE – when women bash their husbands online. It is SO disrespectful. As a wife I firmly believe that we are called to lift our husbands up, especially in public. Also, why would you want to make the person you chose seem like a bad guy? It is all so backwards to me.

    Sorry you’ve been frustrated by things lately.

    • Courtney says:

      Agreed. I have an overall idea of what things I can’t say on my blog, on Facebook and on Twitter. Twitter tends to be the place where I say more than I normally would because so many people that irritate me aren’t on Twitter. So I can post what I want. WHich is why my twitter stream never auto-posts to Facebook. LOL

      I agree completely about the husband bashing. It drives me NUTS!

  2. Kimberly says:

    I often wish I had an anonymous blog so that I could write what I honestly thought of certain situations.

  3. Sarah says:

    He he. I am guilty for thinking these things and also for doing some of them too, sadly. Thanks for sharing your Things you wish you could say.

  4. Pam says:

    oh man can i write it here because i cannot write it on my blog. it URKS me that my husbands niece gave us her boys almost 7 months ago because she is the worse mother you can imagine and she even signed paperwork saying she has been medically, physically, emotional abusive. anyways she recently told us (the only time we have seen her in 6 months) about her friend who mistreats her kids and how horrible she was and how no mother should give up her kids. i thought i was in twilight zone.
    it urks me that my husbands block leave was taken for no real reason, for meetings that did not need to happen.
    it urks me that a close friend who only has 1 child told me that if i really wanted to keep my house spotless like hers that i could. that i have to consider it a job. UMMMMMMMm YOU HAVE ONE TEENAGE CHILD AND NO LIFE.
    it urks me that people think we are poor or stupid because we have 6 beautiful children and i stay home.
    WOW, this is therapy, can i come back tomorow.

    • Courtney says:

      LOL You’re MORE than welcome to come back and vent whenever you want! 🙂 I have people tell me the same thing about keeping the house clean. How am I supposed to consider keeping a house spotless with a 3 year old running around a JOB when I already have a JOB? Keep your head up. You’re doing great, no matter what anyone thinks!

  5. Shell says:

    Oh, girl, I hear you.

    I always wonder about military wives, since I know there are certain things you aren’t allowed to talk about.

    • Courtney says:

      There are SO MANY aspects of being a military wife that I sometimes feel forced to keep my mouth shut about. Granted, I don’t have it as bad as some of the other wives in different branches of the service, but it’s a pain sometimes. Can’t say a negative word about your husband’s command or his career might pay for it. Definitely frustrating. At least we have each other (fellow military wives) to whine to when we need it.

  6. What’s irking me? Where should I begin?!?! Psycho sister-in-law, this crazy WY wind, feeling disorganized, wondering what the world is going on with people’s breast obsession (meaning we can see Victoria’s Secret Models’ boobs but don’t breast feed. Or get a boob job. Or …)

    Love that cartoon, BTW!

    • Courtney says:

      Haha! Are you peeking into my life right now? Because I identify with ALL of that as well. Especially the boob thing. The issues with Facebook removing BF pictures just drives me up the WALL.

  7. Vivian says:

    Love the insight: “You married him.” 🙂 And there are a lot of things I want to say but most of them could be labled “political” thus inciting a riot or my excommunication. Oh, yeah, already been-there-done-that. Thanks for the great post.

    • Courtney says:

      I would love to be able to talk politics. But, to prevent mass chaos, I refrain. Even with the election coming up, I choose to stay away from political banter. I like to say let’s just agree to disagree when it comes to things like that. Or religion.

  8. Refreshingly HONEST post! Sometimes we need to just put it all out there, and those are all very real things that irk a lot of us! I hear ya!!

  9. Mary says:

    Oh man…there is so much that I’d love to say but can’t on my blog, or anywhere else for that matter. There is definitely such thing as “oversharing” online these days, so I try to keep private areas that I don’t want random people to be able to see, etc. It would be nice to vent once in a while though!

    • Courtney says:

      There really is. That’s why I’m so particular about what I do and don’t share. It’s hard not to let it all spill (especially when there are so many bloggers making big bucks for over-sharing). But there are just some things that I don’t want the entire world to know about.

  10. Voni says:

    LOL. Yeah, don’t talk about any of those things! Seriously, I know what you’re talking about, Girl.

    My pet peeve? People who use ‘s when they’re making a word plural. Apostrophe-S is for POSSESSIVE, not PLURAL, people. Don’t make a sign if you don’t know grammar. lol.


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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.