I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Things I Wish I Could Say

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  1. Courtney says:

    Well…. I used to pretend I don’t care what other people think but truth is we do. We’re wired that way. To care. So I know some of things are hurtful to you and for that I send prayers of peace up for you. Some of these I think we can all relate to. How unfortunate that someone can’t come up with original content for their own blog. Or that someone can’t find anything better to do than to run their mouths? Jealousy. You got it going on and they don’t. Cry babies.

    • Courtney says:

      You’re right. I think to an extent we ALL care what others think, but it’s how we decide to deal with those emotions that matter. I actually feel pretty good about everything that went on with Josh’s family at Christmas. Still slightly frustrating, but over it. I have enough other stuff going on. 🙂 Miss our chats, love!

  2. Jessica S says:

    Oh girl, I totally feel you on these and love that you did a Pet Peeves post :). I was just speaking with another designer the other day and referenced you as an “awesome self-taught designer”, just sayin, lol. My pet peeve comes when people think that they can get Photoshop one day and become a designer the next, it takes LOTS of practice and training which you can totally do in school or out of school or BOTH. Ya know?

    • Courtney says:

      Yep. I get it. I have that issue with photographers. And when I sit back and look at my EARLY work and the fact that I thought I could become a photography right away (well, at least within the first few months) I kick myself. WHAT WAS I THINKING?

  3. Some days I wish I could tell my brother-in-law what his wife is really like, and what the entire family really thinks of her. I refuse to call her my SIL, she’s my BIL’s wife.

    • Courtney says:

      Oh, do I get it. There are times I wish I could tell certain family members what I really think of them, too. Tell them that no one thinks their as fabulous as they seem to have themselves envisioned. LOL

  4. Mandi says:

    YES!! Sometimes I would love to be anonymous as well!

  5. Laura says:

    I think a lot of us can relate to that list. And as my girls get older, I have to be careful what I say around them too. Sometimes we just need to get things off of our chest though. And I think too that you are great and amazing and I admire you!!! 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Awww, thank you, Laura! I try to keep the negativity and ranting to a minimum around Noah, too. Even though he can’t quite understand what I’m talking about, there is so much negative energy out there. I don’t want to subject him to anymore.

  6. Trish says:

    I can definitely relate to some of the things on your list…especially moms who complain continuously about their children and husbands….why bother have a family if all you care to do is complain.

    Thanks for sharing the things many of us are afraid to


  7. Kir says:

    first your blog looks amazing (I normally read on my phone and I’m so glad I got here to SEE it…I love it!)

    and this list, (as long as I’m not on it…” is really truly amazing. I am so glad for you that you wrote it and shared it with us, because these are things we all want to say, things we all feel and wish we had the place and time to write them down.

    as a woman who is going to turn 42 I agree, I care a whole lot LESS about what people think of me as the years pass. I am who I am …and those who love/like/accept me is enough. And you are too Courtney. I sit in awe of you all day long.

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Kir! I agree. The older I get, the more that I live and learn, the more that I realize that I am not going to change. I’m who I am and that’s that. You can either like me or not, but I refuse to change for someone else. 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

  8. Chuckled thro a few of these, but the family stuff is kind of sad.
    Chin up my dear … I am a firm believer in karma too, just wish she would head around a little faster sometimes!

    • Courtney says:

      The family stuff is definitely frustrating, but it’s nothing new around here. That’s just how they are. It was frustrating for a few days (and truthfully still annoys the heck out of me if I sit and think about it) but we deal. We’re 5600 miles away, so it’s not like we have to encounter them daily.

  9. I think the things you can’t talk about are things many of us wish we had said too.

  10. This is an incredibly powerful list. A few years ago I started another blog that was anonymous and private just so I could express some of these same feelings. It’s been good therapy for me. But I do hope one day I can just put it all on my regular blog…where it truly needs to be.

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Tracy. I tried my hand at a private, anonymous blog last year but just couldn’t keep up with it. I think it’s because I wasn’t getting the feedback and the “I know what you’re going through” encouragement that I get from this site. One day, maybe I’ll reach the point of being able to say whatever, whenever without caring. 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.