I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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When Real Life is Better

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  1. Jessica says:

    Completely understand where you are coming from and there couldn’t be a better reason to step back than to enjoy your family. Hope you find more balance and if you find out the secret to it all let me know!
    Gorgeous shots!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      LOL Thanks, Jessica. I’ll be on the lookout for the secret to balance. Make sure you pass it along if you happen to run across it as well. Motherhood is definitely a job, isn’t it?

  2. Meagan says:

    I totally understand the need to cut back…it’s really hard to fit it all in! Spending time with our family is what it’s all about. I’ve cut waaay back since C was born. There’s just not enough hours in the day right now.
    I’m so happy you had a great family weekend. Those are so important an Noah looks so happy to be 3! Looking forward to seeing your birthday party pics!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I can’t imagine how hard it is with a toddler and an infant. It scares the jeepers out of me to think about having another baby AND balancing everything. I have a hard enough time as it is…but when it comes to cutting back, I just know that cutting out family time isn’t where it will be. 🙂

  3. LIzzi S. says:

    I’ve pretty much taken the last month as a break from virtually everything online and it has been wonderful. I think I’m finally ready to get back to my blog and even pick up my camera.

    It sounds like you have been having a great time cutting back. Life is too short not to enjoy it!

    P.S. – lovin’ your new look here!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I noticed that you hadn’t been around much, but I’m glad that you got a break. And your’e right…we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow and I would hate to know that I spent my last day blogging, working or meandering on the internet instead of with my son or my husband.

  4. I completely get it! 100%. I’m blogging because I love to, because I want my daughter to have something to look back to when she grows up. But, the moment I feel like I have to do it I will stop. I feel like I will loose the passion of it when that happens.

    I too am struggling with time management. In fact today I gave myself 30 minutes to do some blog visits before I settle in for more work before Pule wakes up from her nap. Your blog was one of my first stops since I hadn’t been over for a while.

    The pics are wonderful! Looks like he had a fabulous time being Superman.

    It’s nice to stop by once in a while. Glad I did.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Yep. That’s it exactly. I blog because when I’m gone, I want my son (and any other children I have) to know who I was when they weren’t looking and who I was when they were little. I look at this blog as a sort of gift to them in the future….just another way to know who their mama is. Blogging and all that goes with it is a full time job in itself. The blog hopping, commenting, answering emails, etc…it’s time consuming. But, I’m always glad when you take the time to stop here and leave me a little comment. 🙂

  5. Way to go Courtney! I have had to reevaluate the time I spend online as well. Twitter is typically just in the evenings while the hubs and I play words with friends in bed and after he falls asleep and my posts have gotten better bc i’ve been scheduling them. I say good for you for realizing what is best for you and your family 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thanks, Michelle! Twitter itself is a HUGE time suck. I’ve got to admit that I’ve found much more relief in NOT being on Twitter all day than anything else.

  6. Lisa Grace says:

    Good for you! I’ve been there … and real life is better, when you’re really living it 🙂 Enjoy that time with your two wonderful men … and a shower every day. The rest takes care of itself!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Lisa! I find myself no where near as stressed when I get in quality time with my boys. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  7. Lindsey says:

    Enjoy your LIFE!

    You know, if you can get past what Klout said.

  8. Jessica says:

    Of course we all understand this. Family is the most important and the online world can be very time consuming.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I’m finding more and more bloggers stepping back a bit to enjoy their family time. I think for a while we all set this stigma that we needed to be active in social media of some sort ALL the time….

  9. Kimberly says:

    Oh do I understand this! I’ve also had to learn how to scale back and fit blogging into my real life responsibilities. It’s all about balance, and find that perfect fit can be hard. I completely know exactly how you feel right now. And yes, we absolutely understand! 😉

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thanks girl. I don’t even think there is a such thing as a perfect balance….but I’m working on finding it. If you discover it before I do, please share. 🙂

  10. kyna says:

    good for you you Courtney!! You are an amazing blogger, but I never know how you find the time for it! I’m exhausted doing it and I post half as much as you do!! And I don’t even know what a Klout score is!
    ♥ Kyna

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Awww, thank you!! 🙂 It’s hard and I stay exhausted most of the time…but I’m just so stubborn when it comes to giving up on something that I love. And I really do love everything that I do.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.