I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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Planning, Dreaming, Goal Setting

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  1. Bonnie says:

    Those are some pretty attainable goals! Good luck on reaching them!

    CMPro is one of my goals for this year, too. I’ve started a Flickr album and when I get ready to apply, I’m going to shut my websites down until the review comes back. I don’t plan on applying until the fall though.

  2. I love how you broke down your goals based on the different areas of your life. I’m not a resolution setter either but goals are always good and they can always be modified and tweaked along the way as you grow or realize new interests.

    I may be able to help you with publishing your writing elsewhere. You should email me when you feel ready to do that. I know you have your hands full with your newest addition to the family, but we should talk when the time comes and you’re up for it!

  3. Maris King says:

    I like you. Instead you are having a New Years Resolutions you are planning, dreaming at the same time goal setting that is perfect!

  4. Meagan says:

    Whoa that’s a big goal list! Way to write them out and I love how you’ve grouped them. I think I think I need to work on my goal setting skills – lol! You can totally rock the 5K this year! I’m thinking of upgrading to full frame this year….ahhh! It’s so much money it’s a little scary!

  5. Kimberly says:

    Resolutions aren’t my thing either. I’m much more goal oriented. I love the ones that you have here. And the fact that they’re written down somewhere? Great idea! It definitely helps to keep you accountable. I have had a list in my head the last few weeks, but maybe it’s time to write mine down too.

    Good luck with this! I know you can do it!

  6. Leigh Ann says:

    I love how you categorized your goals. And you can rock that 5K!

  7. Kristen says:

    You just made me feel incredibly lazy! I need to set some bigger and better goals for my blog or it is not going to go anywhere and I actually do want it to go somewhere. Where? I’m not sure but I do want to grow my blog. Thanks for the kick in the bum! I hope you succeed on all of your goals!

  8. Mandy@a sorta fairytale says:

    Love your goals!! I have always wanted to run a 5k, but I am just NOT a runner. No matter how hard I try. So I will have to find other ways to exercise and lose weight. Hopefully we can both be closer to our goal weight by end of March 🙂 I also was a full frame this year, hoping for my Birthday! 🙂

  9. Gabby says:

    Those are some great goals (: I especially like your photog & personal ones. Mine are very similar! According to the scale, I’m only 20lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight but honestly, I weight lift these days and muscle is heavier than fat so I don’t see the numbers changing too much as I continue. As for running? Hubby and I do a two mile loop in our neighborhood two to three times a week and I usually have to walk at some point. And today he went and signed us up for the 2014 Honolulu Marathon (in December). He’s crazy! I guess that’s his goal for me, not my goal for me.

    Last year, I planned on doing 52 books in a year. I think I read twelve. :/ But! I’m committing to taking 52 new photos of strangers & volunteers who want to model for me once a week, for free. At the end of the year I’m publishing the book, with interviews of the models and notes about each shoot experience to accompany the photos. I’m calling it 52 Faces, and I hope you don’t think I’m ripping you off. It just seemed to fit for the concept. lol. On top of that I’m doing a photo a day thing for the children and myself. We’ll see how long -that- lasts. 😉 Finally, in regards to blogging, I quit in 2012. And just kind of bounced around social media (got really addicted to Pinterest and Tumblr there for a while) but I’m going back to basics and just committing to post three times a week, and read at least five posts by others on those three days. If I set too high of goals for myself, I find I set myself up for feeling frustrated and give up altogether.

    Also, if you should come to Hawaii? Coffee, on me. (:

  10. Alison says:

    I think it’s great to write down your goals – it keeps you on track and accountable, yes?

    Good luck with everything, I know you can do it!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.