Alright. These are not anything I’m proud of, but be it that it’s for the good of “Operation Organization”, I’ll share with you. This is the dirtiest my house has ever been…well, atleast since we moved in to our house and the unpacking was causing the house to look like a War Zone. This time, aside from the fact that we spent a week in Alabama for a funeral and my mind was on overload, I had no excuses. I digress. Anyway. Most of the rest of the house was pretty tidy. I did the dusting and the laundry, but as far as being “photo worthy”, the kitchen was the worst. Here you go.

Kitchen counter…(face turns red)

The bar

The top of the microwave where most of the mail gets dumped

The sink area
Stove area
My nice, clean, shiny counter
The clean table (with clean table clothe!)
The top of the microwave now (all of the mail is being sorted out and filed in nice organized file folders)
Ok. There. Whew. My first set of overly embarrassing house photos are up and published. Glad to know, though, that I’m not the only one battling organization. This week, I plan to
- Clean out from under the stairs (definately will I post photos of that!)
- Clean out Noah’s closet (a project I’ve started, and just not finished)
- Go through all of mine and Josh’s clothes and take stuff to GoodWill
- Set up my scrapbook/computer desk
It sounds like it’s a lot, but it’s really not that bad. I have until next Friday and these projects won’t take me very long. I have an entire week to get these done. Watch for photos and posts all week to see how I do! 🙂