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Whether or not to add to our little family, has been a hot topic of discussion and debate in our house for the last few months. We weigh the pro’s and con’s…we come to a decision…and then something happens to make us second guess our choice. The husband and I never seem to be on the same page about whether or not to have a second child.
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then you know that apparently being my friend, makes you fertile. In the last ten days, I’ve seen 15 (and counting) “We’re having a(nother) baby!” status updates through social media. Seriously. It is insane. At first I thought maybe it was something in the water, but considering that the pregnancy outbreak is making it’s mark in Alabama, Florida, Alaska and various other states across the country (and in Canada), that really can’t be what it is. Apparently, it’s just the excitement of Spring and Summer and the possibility of adding a member to the family.
Who knows?
All I know, is that for the last almost two weeks, my uterus feels empty.
And I find myself on Pinterest looking at things like this:
And really toxic photo’s, like this:
But as much as I adore this sweet little baby photo, and love fantasizing about the possibility of adding another little bundle of
poop, drool and spit-up joy to our family; I find myself weighing the pros and cons pretty steadily. We both know that God has a bigger and better plan than what we can imagine, but there are things to consider.
We really don’t have room for a baby in this house. Our master bedroom is big, but I am greedy. Hehe. And I would want to go all out and decorate a baby nursery…especially if I were to get pregnant with a little girl.
There are so, so, so many uncertainties for our little family right now. We’re looking at more school for the husband, a business and more school for me…it’s just a lot. And adding a baby to that, would really make things a little bit more inconvenient.
Finances. While I know that we could afford another baby, we would really prefer to have more of a nest egg built up, and perhaps a second income before we go adding to the family. We do well with just the three of us. We’re able to live comfortably, save comfortably, and give comfortably. And I really like the balance we’re at now.
There is no where on this darn island to buy clothes (at least, no where I’m going to spend money…). And that would impose a real issue if we had a daughter. Trust me.
Not to mention, having to deal with the sleep deprivation, all night feedings, the spit-up, the sleep deprivation, the terrible pregnancy pains and aches, teething, the weight gain, the stretch marks, the sleep deprivation, guys know what it’s like with an infant.
But then again…
The sweet baby smell, the snuggle time, the know-how I now have of my camera and photography technique (I could take some really great newborn and maternity shots…), the holding of a tiny baby, the firsts, getting to watch the little guy be a big brother, bringing another tiny miracle into the world, the baby smiles and giggles…
Doesn’t it just melt your heart?
When did you and your husband decide it was time to add to your family? What factors contributed to your decision?
*all images shown were found on Pinterest