I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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Monday Morning Coffee

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  1. […] Three August 25, 2011 By Courtney K. Leave a Comment On Monday, I showed you guys a picture that my friend Jana snapped while we were out for a quick modeling […]

  2. Cedar says:

    Oh, I must be old~I had an apple in college~no iMacs yet! I do love my iMac now, though.

    Very cute shot and I look forward to your edit.

  3. Carey says:

    I want to marry my iMac…. And date all of the people who work in our local Apple store.

    Woot woot on the biz! Way to go!

  4. Jessica says:

    I love my iMac! I have had one since college and I wouldn’t have anything else, although I do want a laptop so I’m thinking I’ll need a MacBook soon :). I know what you mean about not going to bed ’til 1:00 AM, I am on the same page, for sure.

    Take it easy this week!!!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I told my husband after I got my iTouch that I would never, ever purchase another PC. Now that I’m designing and bringing in some income, there was no reason NOT to buy the MAC. Can’t WAIT for it to get here! And yeah….I’m already planning on a MacBook before BlogHer next year.

  5. Mandi says:

    So glad the design business is booming for you! I knew it would! But I do hope you can get a better routine going so you aren’t up until 1am every night… that must be hard! Can’t wait to read about the new ideas!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Aww, thank you, Mandi! I’m excited and it feels so good to be contributing a bit to our family. I’m caught up for now, so I’m hoping those 1:00 am bedtimes are done with for a while. 🙂

  6. Jessica says:

    I think you will love your new Mac once you figure out how to use it. I’ve had mine for about 2 weeks and the best thing was the Genius Bar I told you about. I’m going back this week for my second session to learn more about making videos with iMovie. Glad to hear you love doing design so much. I just got started in photography and I can see what is to love about it I’m having fun with my new camera.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I made a note to make sure I get that Genius Bar! I’m hoping the learning curve won’t be too crazy…but I doubt it. I remember using MAC in college and it took some getting used to. But I’m excited. You went with the Canon 5D right? I’m getting the 7D for Christmas and I am over-the-moon excited to start playing with it. Let me know if you have any questions! Check out that “Day With Amy Workbook” link in my sidebar. It’s REALLY informative and there is loads of great getting started info there!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.