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Losing Your Integrity to Competition

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  1. Mandi says:

    Courtney, you are definitely NOT like that! I am so thankful you are willing to share your knowledge! If I ever get a decent camera I’ll be studying your blog to learn how to use it! I can’t stand it when bloggers and other business owners do that either. I get not divulging everything a person knows but not helping people out? Drives. Me. Batty. Or charging lots of money to do basic stuff? It actually makes me a little angry. I once saw a designer charge $35 to get rid of the blogger navigation bar. 🙁 If someone is willing to pay it then I guess… but… it just seemed a little greedy to me.

    So glad you aren’t like that! You seem to be getting more than enough business WITH sharing your secrets! 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Aww, thank you, Mandi! I think there is a balance there between sharing and over-sharing. And as a business owner, I would never just spoon feed someone information that it took me months to learn. I don’t believe in hand outs. But I do believe in remembering what it was like to be a beginner and giving someone a nudge in the right direction and helping them get on their feet. The over-charging for basic things? Yes. I believe in fair trade. I don’t think business owners should just do work for free, because that’s crazy. But charging someone $100 for something that shouldn’t cost more than $20? That kind of thing is what upsets me and dampers the integrity of the work force.

  2. Gina says:

    Yeah- I hear ya. I know some who are bitter, mean & spiteful. Then there are others that have become completely too big for their britches & forget that we started out as friends navigating it all together. Those that are the “big bloggers” that don’t give the time of day to those visiting & leaving comments. It’s frustrating- especially when we used to be tight. But I just can’t let it be my focus. I have to just let them be who they have become & focus on where I want to go.

    • Courtney says:

      I know what you mean, and I struggle with feeling guilty all the time for not always making it back around to visit blogs. I think there are a lot of people who reach the point where they never answer comments, never respond to Facebook messages or tweets and totally forget that those people tweeting, messaging, etc. are the reason that they are where they are.

  3. angela says:

    I think there will always be people who are unscrupulous in business (and life in general, really.) The key is to follow your heart and your gut, and stick with what makes you comfortable and happy.

    The fact that you’re so worried about it? I think that shows you won’t even be tempted to go down those paths 🙂

  4. Mrs. Jen B says:

    I just read Shell’s comment and I feel the same way. I’m all about helping others – and clearly they need help if they’re looking to ME for it! (because I’m clueless and a “small” blogger if ever there was one) – but there have been times when I feel like I’m being pumped constantly for info and tips and introductions to other bloggers. And eventually it’s time to gracefully move on.

    Aside from those extreme cases, though, I do want to pay it forward because I’ve been lucky enough to get help in the past.

    • Courtney says:

      Oh yes. There are people that will take advantage of you if you aren’t careful. I’ve been there and had trouble with some who think that they can email every time they have a question; and that’s not right either.

  5. Thanks for this post. As a new blogger, sometimes it is hard when you’re starting out so it’s heartening to read posts like yours.

  6. Shell says:

    I think that the great things about the blogosphere is all the support that is given.

    The only thing that I’ve had to learn is that there are boundaries sometimes. As much as I want to help, sometimes, I simply can’t. Not out of a competitive thing, but b/c someone asks for too much and I have to take care of my family first. Make sense?

    • Courtney says:

      I agree that there are definitely boundaries. I don’t think that a business owner/blogger should give away all of their secrets and share every single thing they know. I mean, after all, that kind of thing could put you OUT of business. And I always put my family first and make sure that they are taken care of.

      I can’t answer every single comment all the time either, but I do try. It’s the ones who completely disregard everyone around them and never reach out to help or give back in any way that seem to damper the integrity of businesses and blogs.

  7. Carolyn says:

    I can’t see you ever like “that”. Your designs are wonderful, you are helpful and share your knowledge, yep I just can’t see you being “that”.

  8. So true. I never want to be like that, and will always share what (little) I know.

  9. Kristen says:

    I think that you and Shell are so similar. You are both the best in blogging. You reach out to help people do something they love and to do it better. I don’t think you could ever be the person you don’t want to be. It’s not in you. Your heart is always in the right place.

  10. Life As Wife says:

    Oh Courtney you are SO not like that!!!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.