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Looking Forward…and Behind

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  1. 52 books a year is very ambitious! I’m trying for 26. If I read too much, I’ll neglect my blogging duties!

  2. […] I mentioned Monday that I had a few projects up my sleeve for 2012. One of those is a Project 52 challenge (take one photo a week for an entire year). I gave Project 365 a try last year and failed. Miserably. I did okay for a few weeks, but then I started running out of things to photograph. And that’s when I realized that despite how exciting my life may be, there aren’t enough things around me to photograph every. single. day. I spend my time with my son and on my computer working and with my husband. Kodiak is beautiful, but let’s face it…how many mountains can you really photograph before they all look the same? […]

  3. Yuliya says:

    My 365 project was not exactly 365/365 either, but it was well worth attempting it! Love your idea for a photo of the kid once a week!

    • Courtney says:

      I’m going to at least strive to take more photos of my son this year. I did pretty good in 2011, but honestly, can you really ever have TOO many photos of your kid? 🙂

  4. dumb mom says:

    Love your photos! And a novel, awesome! I’ve been saying I’m going to write the one that is writing itself in my head, and just can’t do it. I guess it’s because I need a schedule too! Good luck in 2012!

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks!! You should really set aside some time to get that novel out. I’ve read enough of your blog to know that anything you write is going to be remarkable!

  5. Arnebya says:

    I don’t make resolutions. At least, I don’t call them resolutions or feed into the hype of shouting to everyone what I intend on doing this year. I have specific things I want to do, but I’d rather just say hey, I did this and this and this, rather than pressuring myself to do something just because I told others I was attempting it. BUT, I am totally with you on the schedule and novel (finishing what I’ve started). I ride the train and bus to and from work, so that gives me time to read. I read in the evenings before bed too, which is why those baskets of laundry remain unfolded.

    • Courtney says:

      LOL I won’t even begin to talk about the mountains and mountains of laundry that remain unfolded in my house on a daily basis. I despite laundry. I like to set goals during the week and for the month…things that I want to see myself accomplish within a certain time frame. I don’t like to really by into the hype of only setting goals at the beginning of the year. I just like the idea of a fresh start every January.

  6. Tina says:

    Gorgeous pictures of an adorable boy! When you get a schedule set up, could you help with mine? Because apparently I am clueless!

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Tina! I’ll be sure to let you know if (and when) I find a schedule that seems to work. So far, no luck…

  7. Jamie says:

    52 books in a year? Wow. You go girl. And moving to Alaska. That was quite a 2011. Good luck with your novels. I’m resolving to be more loving and positive….to all. Let’s see how that goes.

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks, Jamie! Here’s hoping I find 52 books I like enough to finish. I’m such a picky reader….resolving to be more loving to all is a great goal. I should probably add that to my list as well…ahem.

  8. We love to read! We both read over 100 books last year and reviewed them on our book blog at http://www.ourstack.blogpost.com. Hope you will check it out.

    I wasn’t going to do resolutions this year but then a few came to me that I really should do so since it was one of the writers workshop prompts anyhow, I shared my list too.

    • Courtney says:

      100 books is AWESOME!! I used to read like that all the time and then I had a baby and opened a business. 52 is a lofty goal for me!

  9. Miel et Lait says:

    Sounds like you had a successful year! Here’s to hoping 2012 is equally productive! Best of luck with your novels (two is super ambitious!) This is my first time visiting (thanks, Mama Kat!) so I assume the handsome devil is your son – WHAT A CUTIE!

    • Courtney says:

      He is! I proudly take claim. Haha. I’m hoping to complete at least one of my novels, but get a good way in, or at least through the first draft of the other. We’ll see!

  10. Best of luck to you on your commitments. I definitely have some resolutions, or a better word would be goals, of my own. Mainly to keep rolling with the steam I picked up last year with some resolutions I did well with, and then for the new ones, just to take it day by day. Just visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      I like to use the term goals as well. Resolution just sounds like I’m setting myself up to give in halfway through the first month. 🙂 Hope 2012 is everything you hope it will be!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.