I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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What makes Life worth Living

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  1. Sarah says:

    I love this so much Courtney. What a great post.

  2. Beautiful post. I feel the exact same way. “Uncertainty, frustration and downright anger.”

    But, you’re right. There’s no where else I’d rather be. And no one else I’d want to do this with.

  3. Elena says:

    Those are all great things! Congrats on the great progress with your novel. I am addicted to Revenge as well. I just got all caught up this past weekend. I always fall asleep on the couch watching it live but then catch up later. I’d say that my boys laugh makes my day and can turn anything around. One of my things that makes life worth living.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      So loving “revenge.” What a great show. And I agree…the sound of my little guy laughing and playing is totally a “life worth living” thing.

  4. Michelle says:

    1st of all this is such a beautiful post! 2nd- I think you may be my twin. I’m just sayin’. Lol every time I read another bullet I thought,”oh my gosh that’s totally me!” ha ha thanks for pouring your heart out 🙂 loved it

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Haha! I’m meeting so many “twins” through blogging. And what an honor to be able to call you one! 🙂

  5. Shell says:

    Those little things really help get me through!

    For me, it’s the way my husband ends every phone call with “I love you.” Kisses from my boys when they come back from school.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Yep. My husband and I do the same thing. We never leave one another or hang up the phone without saying I love you first.

  6. MEL says:

    Good post! Every night at dinner, each member of our family says one thing we’re thankful for and relates their happy moments of the day. It helps remind us of the positives in a culture beset by fear mongering and bad nightly news.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      What a great idea! We might have to start that little tradition. Such a great reminder that we are all so blessed in so many ways.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Aw, sweet, sweet, sweet. Good reminders, especially for the beginnings of a long winter ahead. Those recordable books are THE BEST!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Yes they are. They’ve been a great alternative for Noah since his Grandparents aren’t here. Technology is the best.

  8. Ashley Sisk says:

    I love when you pour out your heart – so wish I lived closer to you.

  9. Galit Breen says:

    Love this girl, so so very much!

  10. Laura says:

    This is a great post! I know that I have felt overwhelmed the past few days and sometimes just sitting down and remembering the small things helps so much. You have inspired me! And congrats on being so far on your novel. I am starting one myself, but my word count is more like 500. 🙂 Good luck to you!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Laura! I’ve never made it this far into a novel before and I’m really falling in love with my story, so it makes it easier to “work.” Good luck on yours! Are you doing the NaNoWriMo?

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.