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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Kelly Tibbs says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the video and your story. You are so right with your words about us as Chrisitians/church members. As a Youth Pastor I’ve challenged our students to be “Christ-followers”. Step up and be set apart…striving to be like JESUS. “Everyone” claims to be a “Christian” these days…being a “Christ follower” sets the tone for a different standard…to be like Jesus…live like Him, walk like Him, talk like Him, love like Him, serve like Him. If we are going to impact our world we have to be different. We must live by God’s Word, His truth…not the world’s standards.
    Thanks again for sharing!
    Live a Life that matters

  2. Blanca Suazo says:

    I walk into church and criticism starts.. They say I’m a rebel for missing two months of church because I was volunteering at a theater for school. My cousin told me that I wasn’t allowed to do a special with the dance ministry because I was rebellious, they sent my 14yr old cousin to tell me, they couldn’t even tell me.
    After I left church I never got a message or a knock on my front door from the pastors. They all just left me behind like I was never there for 5yrs. So I started going to parties and I got drunk and forgot about God.. Than one day I wake up on a sunny day and my mom looked really tired and she told me that she was bleeding fr her uterus..
    I broke into tears when she left to the store.. My mom had cancer 9yrs ago and now this.?? I was furious with God I didn’t want to go to church.. He was taking my m away either way and it hurt.. Still hurts.
    That night I prayed after 4 long months of nothing with God I prayed and for weeks on end till now I can’t sleep and I know God has me awake.. I started going to church again but its not the same..
    When I walked into that church I felt out of place the stares comments smirks hurt but I stayed and listened and I came out hurt.. The thing is I go for God not the people, just that how am I suppose to be blessed and enjoy church and my time with God when I feel uncomfortable knowing everyone there is just judging me. How am I suppose to be there praying and showing God I need him more than anything when everyone is stepping on me and trying to tear me to pieces in church?? I need advice because at 16 I shouldn’t be where I am I should be in another path.. Help me because I reach out for help and I never receive it..

    • Lorraine says:

      Churches are filled with people and all people sin. My suggestion is to find a different church, one where you feel God’s love, compassion and Grace. And please read this writers post called “I don’t want to be a Christian”. She describes God’s love perfectly and some of the ” issues” some churches have. I promise you that there are many churches filled with accepting, loving people. Pray to God to show you the right church and he will. I did that 5 years ago and I LOVE my church and my church family. I will pray for you too. God bless you

  3. Caitlin Hobbs says:

    I have been, not doubting God, but just trying to understand his glory more. I grew up in church and I’ve always believed in him as my savior, which I know he is. I’m just seeing things all over social media that is making me question some things..I just hope God doesn’t hate me for questioning him.

    • Lorraine says:

      God doesn’t hate anyone or anything……he’s hurt by things, gets angry by things, but in the end he is a LOVING God. Please don’t ever forget that!!!!

  4. Kristi Graham says:

    You are so right on target. I was a pastors wife for over 20 years. I suffered so many years at the hands of Christians, that the pressures became so great it ended my marriage. I would like to share my experienes more offline.

  5. Inez says:

    What an awesome video! Thank you for sharing!

  6. sally says:

    That was very beautifully written. I have made my share of mistakes and I know I am not perfect. I am still looking for that church that does not hold that against me. I want to be welcomed home by Jesus. I know I still do things wrong and there are times I question how strong I am but I get through because of him. It reminds me of my favorite poem footprints, when I looked back at all the tough times and saw one set of footprints in the sand the lord said it was then that I carried you. I know I left out a lot from the poem but I know he has carried me through my tough times. I will always pray that he continues to do so.

  7. daniel says:

    I try to love everyone , I’m a christian

  8. Tony beasley says:

    Great message and I really liked your format as well. Keep up the good work. I wish I could have coped and paste my comment to Facebook on here, but it’s kinda long. Anyway, thanks again.

  9. Tartar says:

    Your article is well written and understandably on mark. I have just recently found my faith again (a year ago), and absolutely love the church my husband attend. I had attended many through my life, and none made me feel welcome or like I belonged there. It’s frustrating and makes you want to bang your head against the wall. But last year I actually opened my heart and gave my church a chance. Immediately i felt so welcomed and loved, as well as my husband.
    Some back ground here. My husband and I are covered in tattoos, I am also pierced. My husband was convicted of murder and spent 23 years in prison.
    Our church has taken us in without question and accepted us. They have gone out of their way to help my husband adjust back into society. Now my husband and I, as well as others members of our church go out and help with community projects, and people in need. We go out of our way to smile and say hello to everyone we cross paths with.
    I tell you this so you know and can remember that not all Christians are about status. Some of us hold to our roots and know we are to serve our fellow man. Bless you and your achievements, and I hope you find the same wonderful feelings my husband and I have been so blessed to find.

  10. Debbie Scott says:

    Stumbled upon one of your posts through Facebook and love how you express your views, very sincere and no sugar coating in order to be PC. We are who we are, but not many can stand behind that thought. Thank you for genuinely expressing your views, too much BS and reterick on social media these days, was nice to “find” your messages❤️

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.