I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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How I Organized my Life, Blog & Business

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  1. Rae says:

    Thank you for your informative analysis. I wanted to ask you to re-consider your disappointment with the ruler not being long enough to be effective/functional. I think the way they designed it is for creative application – I actually have mine higher, above my book edges and I connect the ruler the the rings at that level. I hope this helps!

  2. Sandy says:

    Great review! Since the year’s about to end I’ve been frantically searching for my next planner. My friends say I could just use my phone but I’m a pen and paper girl all the way. There’s something about jotting things down that makes it easy to internalize them.

  3. Sharon Rosenberg says:

    I am so excited about my planner! I recieved mine today 😀 the shipping did take forever but it was worth it…. However, i cannot find my bookmark! Where was yours at first? I was really looking forward to that feature

  4. Annie B. says:

    Courtney. . .

    Happened upon your review on Pinterest. I am currently waiting for my EC Life Planner to arrive. (Fed-ex says TOMORROW!)
    I enjoyed reading your review. I went back and forth on whether to order the pens because I am very much a pen snob too and I color code everything in my planners. We’ll see. I have pretty much used every planner known to man at some point or another and am trying to use my iPhone right now, but like you, I am a visual paper and pen kind of person. . .so hopefully I can strike a balance between the two.
    Your bio was very interesting and familiar. I did free-lance graphic design work for 20+ years while my girls were little so that I could be at home with them. Even though it is hard to work from home sometimes, I felt very blessed that I had a skill that made that possible and I am glad that I had that opportunity. We just moved our youngest into her dorm room last weekend. . .so we are moving into a different season of life.
    I too am a tech geek, Mac addict, Canon owner, closet writer and most importantly a Christ-follower. I have bookmarked your blog and look forward to reading it.
    I will let you know what I think when my planner arrives! Thanks for the review!

  5. Emily R. says:

    What a great review! I just purchased mine yeterday, and cannot wait for it to arrive!

    I have had many different kinds of planners as well. My biggest problem has been the binding on them has not been sturdy enough for my everyday life. The covers usually come off pretty quickly. Is the metal binding on this planner sturdy enough?

    • Courtney says:

      I have found that the metal binding is FANTASTIC. I’ve had my planner for a few months now and have had zero issues with snagging, tearing, pulling or ripping. It’s still as high quality and durable as it was the day that I bought it. And I use it a lot on the road; dragging it in and out of my bag, etc.

  6. Erin says:

    I LOVE your review! I have the Erin Condren Monthly Planner [I think I ordered right before they discontinued it because it’s no longer on their site] I was the same way, it took me a while to cave in to the $50 for a planner, but I’m very picky about my planner & go everywhere with it. I didn’t think I needed the morning/afternoon/evening breakdown either so I went with the Monthly one.

    It’s about time for me to order a new one & I’ve been debating what I should do. I think your review has convinced me that I need the life planner! I love your idea of using the morning/afternoon/evening sections to break up blog posts, etc. I’m a teacher, blogger, and blog designer; I’m hoping the life planner will keep me super organized!

    Now…just to make my mind up on a cover design!! 🙂

  7. Hi! Just discovered your blog as I was searching for EC planner reviews. I am sitting here waiting (dying!) for mine to arrive. Should be Friday — I can’t wait! I agree, I was initially put off by the price. But then as I learned more about the features I realized it had ALL of the the things that I am always looking for (and never finding) in planner: large writing areas, month and week at a glance sections, lots of places to keep lists. All of a sudden my current planner seemed like a useless piece of junk.

    I was curious regarding the bookmark — I assumed that you could snap it in so that a little sticks out from the top (and it wouldn’t be flush at the bottom) so that you could find your place more easily. Does it not work that way?

    And good to know about the pens…I’m a pen snob too, glad I didn’t add those to my order.

  8. Marg says:

    I’d LOVE to know what pens you have found that meet your criteria:) I’m on the hunt for
    the perfect pens to use.

  9. Megan says:

    I totally agree with your pros and cons. The price was hard for me to swallow at first too, until I broke it down. When you think about it, it’s only $3 a month. Think about all the money you spend on gas, food, Starbucks, etc. It all adds up.

    I like the way you divide your planner. Right now, I’m using the “morning,” “day,” “night” format, but I might end up doing a format similar to yours.

  10. […] I got up bright and early Monday morning and used my Erin Condren Planner to lay out my week and set my weekly goals. I’ve had much better luck managing things since I […]

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.