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Thoughts on having a Big Family

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  1. Holly Franco says:

    Any day now…. A friend of ours has 4 boys and has had 4 miscarriages herself. When we got pregnant with #3, we were already talking about #4 and maybe #5. You are absolutely right.

  2. Amy says:

    Loved this! Thanks for sharing. For a while we thought we were done, but then Miss B came into our lives and added more joy than we could have ever thought. And now my heart wants more children. I guess we’ll put that in the Lord’s hands and see where it leads.

  3. Kati says:

    I have the same 4 child theory. Currently, we don’t have any children. We just got married in April and I would love to start “trying.” However, the idea of paying off my school loans first just sounds responsible so that is what I’m trying to do so far without much luck. Also I keep thinking we should be married for a while without kids first so we can enjoy each other. But I really feel incomplete like you say. I cannot get enough time with my friends & their kiddos. The more time I spend with them the more I want my own children asap. My husband is also in the USCG. I would welcome your advice. <3

    • Courtney K. says:

      I think it’s a great idea to enjoy time as a couple first. I love our son to pieces, but we had him 6 months after we got married, so our “newlywed” phase didn’t last long. It would have been nice to have enjoyed some date nights, trips out and about without a kid in tow. I say give yourselves at least a year and half before you decide to have a baby. But that’s just from experience. Always a pleasure to meet a fellow Coast Guard wife!! 🙂 Feel free to hit me up anytime!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.