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Four Years with my SLR

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  1. Adrienne says:

    I love all of these photos, even the early ones. But, I can definitely see how your craft has grown. It helps your children are gorgeous too! The thing I love about your photos is that they seem so natural. It appears you don’t edit at all. I’m sure you do, but they’re just so beautiful in the most untouched, natural way. I’m not a photographer, so my non photographer lingo is probably ridunculous. 😉

  2. Alison says:

    I am one of those people who’s totally jealous of your gorgeous photography! 🙂

    I’ve been pushing my husband to get me a DSLR. Not quite there yet. Soon, I hope. I don’t want to miss out on taking good pictures of the kids when they’re still small.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Love that you documented your progress-it’s so cool to see how your photography has changed over the years!

  4. Rachelle says:

    Love this progression. I cringe sometimes when I look back at photos from my early mom-photographer days. I really thought they were amazing captures. Yikes. Your drive to learn and improve is inspiring. And your present progress is simply amazing.

  5. Alison says:

    What a great post! I admire your photos of your kids so it’s nice to hear about your photography journey. It gives me hope that I can eventually get my photos to look the way I want.

  6. Jennifer says:

    I love the feeling when I take a photo and it turns out exactly the way I want. Granted, I’m a beginner and that doesn’t happen very often. I’m doing a study along right now about natural lighting. This is something I really, really want to do more of. I just have to find a way to make the time. I’m not sure how to do that though.

  7. J. says:

    Such an inspiring post! I got my first DSLR in 09′ and it was a D40 got rid of it when I moved and the beginning of 2011 I decided to get another DSLR but my budget wasn’t very large so I settled for an Olympus and in 2012 moved to Canon (haha I did a lot of jumping and to be honest sometimes I consider going back to Nikon). Anyhow besides the point. I’ve learned a lot in the past couple years but not nearly as much as I’ve learned through Clickin’ Moms. Such an amazing site! However I’ve hit that point where I just can’t seem to pinpoint my style and keep to it.

    But as you said I’m going to keep practicing and playing with different things. I mean outside of the basics, most of what we learn comes through trial and error right? 🙂

  8. J Brittney says:

    LOVE this post! My dad gave me a DSLR 4 or 5 years ago and I did NOTHING with it! It was given to me because I was “the family photographer”. It was left up to me to document (not all that well) family events and kind of got tired of it….it made me want to find other ways to express myself creatively. Over the past few months, I’ve since taken my (somewhat dated) DSLR out of the box and I love it! I’ve been teaching myself with the help of web-tutorials but I still feel as thought most of my pictures are just luck, however, this has encouraged me to keep trying! Would love to see a post about your editing process!

  9. Great round up of your photos Courtney! You’re really rockin’ the lifestyle these days. I’m so failing at this workshop! I’ve got to put some more time into it!

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks girl! That’s exactly why I opted to do the Study Along instead of the Full Participation. I have so much on my plate as it is, I knew I wouldn’t be able to really put as much into a FP as I wanted.

  10. Courtney says:

    Love seeing your progress! I see need to do a post like this 🙂 So inspiring! Love seeing your journey and thanks for the shout out as well! I’m honored to have been a part of your journey!

    • Kim says:

      Thanks Courtney! What classes have you taken at Clickin Moms? Which are you planning to take in the future? I’ve been trying to figure out what to take and would LOVE your input!

      • Courtney says:

        I’m taking Lifestyle with Kids right now and I’m signed up for Mastering Natural Light Indoors and Fine Art and Visual Expression. I am planning to take Composition and Creativity in May. I know that the workshops can get a bit pricey so I definitely recommend the Study Along Sessions as well. I’m taking Lifestyle as a Study Along and it’s been great!

    • Courtney says:

      You most definitely did! I remember when I stumbled your way you had the umbrella photo of your daughter in the header and lots of blues and greens. I was floored by your beautiful work and soaked up SO much information from your site! 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.