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Feature Friday: Unwavering Love

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  1. Kimberly says:

    I cannot believe how insensitive people can be when you’re pregnant. It’s like we walk around with a sign on our forehead “Please, go ahead. Think of something really shitty to say. My raging hormones and feelings can handle it.”
    Those babes were created out of love…they were meant to be in your arms…no matter how they got there.

  2. Galit Breen says:

    Oh Jessica, I love reading you here and I know (with every fiber of my being) that you’ll choose the exact right words to share with them.

  3. I think you just about covered all the important things that are in their story. When you tell a story as beautifully as Jessica you can’t help but love it.

  4. Kir says:

    Oh Jessica, that is one gorgeous post! I know that my children will also get all the answers to their questions, will know that love, hope, medicine and miracles brought them here.

    I want them to know without a doubt that I would (again and again) live those 4 years for the chance to hold them in my arms.

    With tears in my eyes at that gorgeous photo…thank you for writing this.

  5. Gorgeous writing, as always. Your babies are so lucky to have you, however they came to you <3

  6. XLMIC says:

    I think they will know that 🙂

  7. You are a blessing to them as much as they are to you and your family. Gorgeous post.

  8. Julie Bohl says:

    Jessica, you are a wonderful mother, and you are my “5 minute read.” I think I am brought to tears every time I read your blog. Tears of joy, worry, sadness, and over come with emotion as to how lucky I am, but then tears because sometimes I feel like I have taken things for granted during the daily routine. Thank you for inspiring me and grounding me with your words.

    • Jessica says:

      Such an honor to be someone’s 5 minute read and I feel as you do, so grateful but sometimes like I should appreciate it all even more.

  9. Kimberly says:

    Your children are so lucky to have you as their mother. They will know how much they are loved.

  10. angela says:

    Every word you write about your children, Jessica, makes it so clear how very loved they are. They will love hearing your stories.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.