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When I was 13, I assumed my parents knew everything.At 17, I thought I knew everything.Then, when I was 21, I realized that I knew nothing.Now, at 32 (I think…let me do the math…yep 32 till July), I realize that knowledge has much more to do with life and experiences than books and degrees. I […]

Featured, Writing

May 6, 2020

Walking in Disobedience

I’m taking a Life Coaching class right now online with Liberty University. I’m less than 80 hours away from my Bachelor’s Degree (I’ve been out of High School almost 11 years now, so it’s about time). I have to say, I thought Counseling was what I enjoyed, but this Life Coaching class has rocked my […]

Lifestyle, Writing

June 22, 2015

June 19, 2025

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking this weekend. About my family. About our life here in Alaska. About my business. But mostly about my blog and my writing and what I want to do with it. Where I want to take it. When I first started this blog back in August of 2008, I was […]

Blogging, Writing

June 3, 2012

Where Blogging fits into the Future

Growing up in a small town meant learning early on that there were two kinds of people in our little city: those who were in and those who were out. Contrary to what people try to make you believe, social stigma’s are a reality. Especially in towns and cities as small as the one I […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Writing

October 16, 2011

Having Someone is Enough

This is supposed to be my Monday Morning Coffee post, but considering that it’s not quite midnight on Sunday evening and I’m doing my writing now, I’m just going to call it what it is: A big fat random array of words and jumbled thoughts. That I’m going to save and post first thing in […]

Blogging, Random Things, Writing

September 5, 2011

On Writing & Photography

I’ve thought many times to myself that maybe, just maybe, I should have started this blog as an anonymous mother. Just a woman somewhere out here in this great big, wide world who has thoughts and opinions and ideas about life that she wanted to share. I’ll be honest, my life might possibly seem all […]

Blogging, Writing

January 21, 2011

If I were anonymous…

Unless you were born yesterday, you know what Twilight is. The series of Vampire novels written by Stephenie Meyer that have taken this entire country by storm. Teenage girls swoon at the thought of kissing a vampire and grown women {myself included} stand outside of theatres at midnight to watch the new film release; all […]

Family, Marriage, Writing

December 13, 2010

Why women love “Twilight”

I’ve already mentioned before that I am a huge fan of Sex and the City. Yes, the language isn’t the most appropriate, and let’s not even get started on the unending promiscuity and fornication. Those aspects aren’t the most appealing in the world. But I’ve always adored Carrie Bradshaw. In so, so many ways she […]

Lifestyle, Writing

December 3, 2010

When I grow up…

I will admit, I don’t blog hop around very often. {hangs head} I visit the readers who visit me and leave comments, a few close bloggy friends that I check every single day {sometimes more than once}, and a few “guilty pleasure” blogs that I check a few times a week. It isn’t that I […]

Lifestyle, Writing

October 15, 2010

30 Days of Truth

I admit, I have always struggled with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. While I can’t really place an exact reason as to why I have always felt this way, I think I can trace most of it back to my junior high days. I was a “late bloomer” {and I do mean late…talking 8th and […]


February 8, 2010

Mediocre Living

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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