Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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We’ve done it. We have mostly said goodbye to diapers. We have rocked the big boy pants and kicked butt at going “number one.” We’ve even nailed down letting mommy know when going “number two” is a necessity. If you follow my tweets or even my Facebook, then you know that this past week has […]
**I am guest posting today over at From Here to Eternity!! Make sure you head over the Jhen’s and check it out! She’s hosted a fabulous love story series this week that you simply must check out!** I know you’re out there. Yeah, you. The one sitting at the computer right now reading this. The […]
I had a breakdown the other night on the phone with my husband. Friday night, I think it was. I just seemed to have completely and totally lost sight of everything that did matter and focused instead on a bunch of junk that doesn’t. The separation is taxing and exhausting. Especially on the days where […]
First of all, I want welcome you to the BRAND NEW, very first ‘edition’ of No Mom Talk Monday. If you didn’t read my introductory post about this new meme on Friday, then allow me to go over the very simple and very basic rules. You can talk about anything. Anything in this great, big, […]
Hannah over at Aspire is hosting a Black & White Portrait Challenge at her blog this week! I love Black and White portraiture. Something about the lack of saturation really makes a photo stand out. It conveys emotion and feeling better than anything in color could. I was somewhat stumped when I saw this because […]
I wrote a post the other day about how horrible I am at Fatherhood. Being a daddy is not for me. I know nothing of the sorts about football and cars and tools. I’d rather sit inside and play quietly or read or do something equally as boring relaxing. This is much, much easier said […]
{ONE} My weekend was packed full of Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition. I’m sure you notice [and if you don’t, well, that’s just weird] the new look. New colors. New name. New lots of things. I have a post coming tomorrow {tentatively…} that will go into more detail and explain the new changes and what you […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST