Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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I was an OUTSTANDING English Student-both in college and in high school. While I make no claims at speaking in grammatically correct jargon all the time, there are some things that drive me absolutely insane. “Ain’t.” Double Negatives [I haven’t never…or worse: I ain’t never]. Misuse of the there, their, and they’re. Or misuse of […]
I hope that this post finds all of you having had a wonderful Christmas! We were busy all weekend and didn’t finish up all of our families Christmas festivities until last night; but we had a blast. Though Little Man’s new talking Buzz Lightyear was a huge success, he seemed more excited about the boatloads […]
Whew. It is good to be back. The past week or so has been chaotic to say the least. My trip to San Francisco went fairly smooth, and the reunion with my husband was much greater than I anticipated. We are having to re-acclimate to one another again [which was suspected] but we are having […]
10:30 AM-Montgomery Regional Airport: So….I thought, just because I am at a total lack of creativity on what to post and want to post something while I’m traveling, that I would give you guys a little insight into what’s going on around me as I’m on the move. Right now, I’m in Montgomery waiting on […]
Unless you were born yesterday, you know what Twilight is. The series of Vampire novels written by Stephenie Meyer that have taken this entire country by storm. Teenage girls swoon at the thought of kissing a vampire and grown women {myself included} stand outside of theatres at midnight to watch the new film release; all […]
With Christmas right around the corner, the snow in the air (if that’s what you can really call the 15 minutes of flurries we had yesterday) and my husbands impending arrival back home with his family, one can’t help but feel joyous and spirited. My mood is one of extreme excitement, anticipation and overwhelming anxiety. […]
I am finally beginning to get into the holiday spirit now that the weather has taken a turn toward being COLD [finally] and I’ve started Christmas shopping. Hubby and I adopted a child from the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree this year and I spent all day Tuesday shopping for him. I explained to Little Man […]
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