Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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Men have been talking about them for what seems like centuries; my husband swoons [okay, so men don’t really swoon, but you know what I mean] over the idea of a 55” plasma, a big comfy couch and every gaming system known to man right at his finger tips. Oh and did I mention that […]
There are just some things that I adore more than others. Like when my husband does completely random sweet and thoughtful things for me; or when the little guy comes up to me at sporadic moments and simply looks at me and says “Hug, Mama!” with his arms spread out. Finding my favorite tea bags […]
There are times that I step back from the mirror [or the computer] and wonder, what on EARTH am I thinking? It’s no lie. There are times when I honestly and truthfully just annoy myself. I sit back sometimes when I’m at my worst and wonder why my husband puts up with my unbelievably frustrating […]
There no doubt about it: mom’s have super powers. Who else can carry a purse, diaper bag, camera bag, cell-phone, iPod, every toy known to man AND a child [or two…or five!] without missing a beat. We can blog, tweet, answer emails, talk on the phone and answer the unending stream of questions that flow […]
You know, people are shady when it comes to telling a mom-to-be what life is really going to be like after their bundle of joy is born. Seriously. It’s kind of sad that we knowing moms hold out on the expecting mothers who are shamelessly clueless as to what they are getting themselves into. It’s […]
Despite how much I love my son, he drives me insane. To say that my child never did anything wrong, would be insane…and an outright lie. To pretend that it doesn’t annoy the you-know-what out of me when my son throws a tantrum would also be a lie. So. Rather than pretending any of the […]
With Christmas right around the corner, the snow in the air (if that’s what you can really call the 15 minutes of flurries we had yesterday) and my husbands impending arrival back home with his family, one can’t help but feel joyous and spirited. My mood is one of extreme excitement, anticipation and overwhelming anxiety. […]
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