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I touched very lightly on the subject of Faith yesterday. How I’m feeling tested…strained…stretched even. And what’s unusual, is that I find myself welcoming it. Anticipating it. Expecting it. I’ve come to learn that while we have moments in life that are perfect and go exactly as we hoped and wished, more often than not, […]

Military Life

September 8, 2010

Journey toward an unknown destination

I touched very lightly on the subject of Faith yesterday. How I’m feeling tested…strained…stretched even. And what’s unusual, is that I find myself welcoming it. Anticipating it. Expecting it. I’ve come to learn that while we have moments in life that are perfect and go exactly as we hoped and wished, more often than not, […]

Military Life

September 7, 2010

Journey toward an unknown destination

It’s been way too long. Since I’ve written a decent and worthy blog post, that is. I was doing pretty good about keeping those of you who are interested informed on the happenings in our lives. Then hubby came home and I pushed this little blog to the side. Because family time was definitely more […]

Family, Marriage, Military Life

July 13, 2010

In a nutshell…

We have finally, FINALLY gotten some news back from the Coast Guard [about time, right?] While it’s not exactly the news I was hoping for, it is the news that I was expecting. And who knows? Things could still possibly, maybe, change. Not likely, but God can do anything, right? While Little Man and I […]

Military Life, Random Things

June 3, 2010

It’s About Time…

I feel like this whole being away from my husband is starting to cause more harm than good. I understand that whole “absence makes the heart grow fonder” shenanigan and I truly believe that. To an extent. I think right now my hubby and I are both so stressed out and aggravated that we are […]

Family, Marriage, Military Life

May 22, 2010


I know. I’ve been absent lately. No excuses really. Unless you count the fact that 1) I have had almost nothing to blog about; and 2) When I finally did come up with something to blog about, the internet crashed. The cable box just blew up or something and died. No worries, though because I […]

Military Life

May 7, 2010

Hello world. I’m back…sorta.

I’m back to the blogging world. I’ve been MIA for a little while, but hopefully I am going to be able to get back on some kind of schedule. Some kind of normalcy is much needed. The past week or so things have been way busier and way more frustrating and emotional than I ever […]

Family, Marriage, Military Life

April 19, 2010

The Best & Worst Day of my Life

The realization that Hubby is leaving us next weekend is finally starting to hit me. We’ve put off talking about it. Avoided the topic all together. And even tried to pretend it wasn’t coming. But it is. And I don’t like it. Not one teeny tiny bit. I know that I’m going to be “ok” […]

Military Life

April 10, 2010

Facing Reality

Well. My house is empty…almost. Their are suitcases piled up beside the stairs, laundry baskets full of left over junk that needs to go to the storage unit sitting underneath the bar, and a bag full of leftover snacks sitting on my counter. Oh yeah. And there is a couch. And TV, that we can’t […]

Military Life

March 30, 2010

Being a mom is TOUGH

I’m a little stuck as to how to start this post. Could be because I’m only halfway concentrating as I sit here at my computer munching on a leftover cinnemon roll and listening to Jason Aldean on CMT. Or because it’s unusually cold in my living room this morning and I’m sitting right beside the […]

Military Life

February 25, 2010

Can you Deal? Do you even want to?

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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