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For today’s “Wifey Wednesday” the lovely Sheila over at “To Love, Honor, and Vaccum” is asking how we deal with marital frustrations. I felt like this post really applied to my husband and I. Being a military wife, there are a lot of things that can sometimes go “unspoken.” Especially in the Coast Guard…smaller branch of […]

Family, Marriage

November 4, 2009

Wifey Wednesday

This is the first time I have joined in for this meme, but I thought it looked like it might be fun, so I am going to give it a shot. Sheila over at “To Love, Honor and Vaccum”  hosts it weekly and also gives some pretty fabulous and practical marriage advice. I couldn’t really say […]

Family, Marriage

October 28, 2009

Wifey Wednesdays

I’ve been a bad blogger the past 2 weeks or so. I haven’t really written anything at all. And those of you that have followed for awhile know that I’m not one to just take a bloggy vacay. I enjoy blogging too much. The past 2 weeks have been BUSY. We found our new church […]

Family, Marriage

September 11, 2009

I’m still here.

I was reading something the other day [that’s italicized because I don’t remember what I was reading or where I was reading it at…maybe in a magazine? Or online? Or in a book?] about how married woman (with an emphasis on stay-at-home mothers) are dependent on the husbands. This kind of frustrated me a little […]

Family, Marriage

September 1, 2009

Depending vs. Dependent

For several days, the Lord has really been on my heart about my prayer life. [Notice, the prayer journal post from earlier today] He is really starting to drill into me the importance of maintaining a constant, open line of communication with him throughout each and every day. Becoming more of the Proverbs 31 woman […]

faith, Family, Marriage, Prayer

August 19, 2009

The Power of Prayer

I was sitting around thinking today about something that I could blog on, and I realized that I have been a wife for a year and half already (Doi. Of course I have. After all I did celebrate my anniversary!) and a mommy for almost a year. Yes, my little man will be an ENTIRE […]

Family, Marriage

August 13, 2009

Things I’ve Learned

I did a post similar to this the other day about why I love being a mommy. I thought that tonight for lack of anything else to write and a desire to simply put words out theresince I love my husband, that I would post one about him. 🙂 I know, I’m a smitten girl… […]

Family, Marriage

August 9, 2009

I love my Husband :)

No, the husband didn’t go anywhere. He’s upstairs laying bed…probably snoring by now. While I find myself sitting downstairs at the kitchen table pecking away at a computer and thinking to myself that my placemats need washing. I think parenthood is starting to take its toll on us. Atleast, that’s how I’m feeling. Seems like […]

Family, Marriage

July 29, 2009

Missing my husband…

Josh and I went to see the movie “Fireproof” several weeks ago when it opened and I have been meaning to blog about it. I’ve had this blog saved in my drafts since the weekend we saw it, but have just now gotten around to finishing it. Oh well… First of all, I was highly, […]

Family, Marriage

November 11, 2008


I have really been struggling with some personal issues lately. And I don’t mind putting them out there on the computer for people to read about because, one day, they will all be in a book anyways (Yes, I have intentions of writing a book…and will.) Alot of the things going on, probably have a […]

Family, Marriage

October 19, 2008

“Happily Ever”…After

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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