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We’ve been in debate on whether or not to send the Little Man off to PreSchool this year. I’ve talked about all of the reasons why Preschool would benefit him (and me) because of my work schedule and I’ve spilled my heart on how uncomfortable I am with the idea of someone else taking care […]

Family, Lifestyle, Military Life, Motherhood, Random Things, Uncategorized

November 6, 2011

Why We are Homeschooling

So far in my short 24 years… I Have:   …Had my heart-broken …Lost every single one of my grandparents …Been without a home or a single personal possession …Known a love so big that it can’t be measured …Witnessed a miracle   …Driven across the country …Hit rock bottom and wondered if I would […]

Lifestyle, Random Things

November 2, 2011

I Have/Have Not…

I feel like I took a short blogging/social media hiatus this past week. I barely checked in on Twitter, scheduled my posts for the end of the week, and haven’t responded to comments or (most of my) emails. And it’s been great. Little Man’s birthday was on Thursday, so we spent the better part of […]

Blogging, Lifestyle, Random Things

November 1, 2011

When Real Life is Better

Growing up in a small town meant learning early on that there were two kinds of people in our little city: those who were in and those who were out. Contrary to what people try to make you believe, social stigma’s are a reality. Especially in towns and cities as small as the one I […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Writing

October 16, 2011

Having Someone is Enough

You usually never realize when you are about to be hit with one of those “life changing” moments. More often than not, they sneak up on us, disguised as an unfortunate event, a bad day, or-occasionally-a happy accident that we just didn’t see coming out way.  Sometimes we acknowledge their life changing reality immediately, understanding […]

faith, Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

October 12, 2011

Life Changing

 A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how hard it can be to be overly excited for your pregnant friends when you yourself are having a hard time getting pregnant. I was overwhelmed by the support I received from all of you; your comments, your encouragement, your stories of struggle. So many of […]

Blogging, faith, Family, infertility, Lifestyle, Motherhood

October 11, 2011

Pain is Pain (no matter how long you’ve endured it)

I’ve always struggled with my self-esteem. This is no secret to anyone who reads this blog. I’ve talked about it openly, admitted that I’m my own worst enemy, and have slowly come to a point where I’ve learned to love myself, accept myself, and embrace the person I was created to be. But that didn’t […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage

October 2, 2011

I let Megan Fox Ruin my Birthday

  When I found out in May of 2008 that I was pregnant, I didn’t realize the magnitude of what I was getting myself into. Sure, I knew that babies and children required constant care and supervision. There would be diapers to change, formula to fix, and plenty of sleep deprivation. Those are the things that […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

September 28, 2011

Why Kids are the Best Teachers

The laundry is overflowing onto the floor. Clean clothes stacked in a big wadded up pile wrinkling, which inevitably means they will need to be ironed. And dirty clothes spill out of the basket. There are a few stray black hairs from the dog littering the floor, which obviously means that my vacuum cleaner hasn’t made […]

faith, Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

September 28, 2011

I’ll be a Better Mommy Tomorrow

When I was pregnant with Little Man, one of the only gifts that I requested from anyone was a Glider Rocker. Somewhere I could sit with my new baby and relax, nurse, and collapse at the end of an exhausting day and cuddle. When we put the nursery together and were in the process of fixing everything […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

September 21, 2011

Rockabye Baby…

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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