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I got my first really ugly comment yesterday. I’ve done well, so far, to brush things off when the not-so-nice comments come through my comment filter. I’m not one to get bent out of shape over things like other people’s comments or opinion. And in truth, the comment that was directed at me really didn’t bother me because […]

faith, Lifestyle, Mental Health

July 27, 2015

Don’t Judge What you Don’t Understand

Well…today I turn 28. Two more years till I hit the big 3-0. Most people usually toss a “I could have sworn you were already 30” comment my way when they get wind of my age. I’m going to assume that’s because of my tendency to spit truth without biting my tongue or because I’m […]


July 17, 2015

Today I Turn 28

First, let me say that I am completely and totally humbled by the amount of reads, shares and comments that I received on my post about not being a “Christian” anymore…based on the churches idea of Christianity. Seriously you guys. I am so beyond grateful that so many of you felt that this post was worthy of […]

faith, Lifestyle

July 1, 2015

Jesus > Religion

I’m going to get on my soapbox and stir the pot a little bit today. I’m pretty good at that and I really try hard to be as unbiased and non-judgmental as possible. But, hot topics and debates leave me thinking…and pondering…and itching to share my opinion. Because we are all entitled to one of […]

faith, Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

June 26, 2015

I Was Pregnant Before I got Married

I’m taking a Life Coaching class right now online with Liberty University. I’m less than 80 hours away from my Bachelor’s Degree (I’ve been out of High School almost 11 years now, so it’s about time). I have to say, I thought Counseling was what I enjoyed, but this Life Coaching class has rocked my […]

Lifestyle, Writing

June 22, 2015

June 19, 2025

Reading… What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren and Move On by Vicki Courtney Playing… get ahead on work and class assignments before my mother-in-law and brother-in-law arrive next week. Watching… Criminal Minds! Josh and I have been binge watching for a little over a month now. We’re currently on Season 8…debating what to watch when we […]


June 19, 2015

Currently in June…

You know…that thing. YOUR thing. That little (or maybe it’s big) sin that you can’t let go of. The one thing that you feel like keeps your from God and from really and truly sensing His presence in your life. Because we all have one. Every single one of us. For some it’s vanity. For some […]

faith, Lifestyle

June 17, 2015

What’s your “Thing?”

Someone told me once upon a time that I would start to “figure life out” the closer I got to 30 years old. Or maybe is was Carrie Bradshaw… Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20s are for. Your 30s are to learn the lessons. Your 40s are to pay for the drinks. Well…I don’t know […]


June 15, 2015

Frankly my Dear…

I take anywhere from an hour to two hours to get ready to go somewhere. That includes showering, makeup, hair, choosing clothes, and actually putting them on. My husband would argue differently and say that it takes me four or five hours, but that’s not true. It seems like it does, considering that I usually have […]

faith, Lifestyle

October 15, 2014

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

Logging into WordPress to write a blog post and immediately being presented with the space to create a Title for my post is a bit overwhelming. I usually don’t even know what I want to write when I sit down to write. Typically just allowing the words to flow when I come to write them. […]

Lifestyle, Random Things

April 19, 2014

Amazing Things

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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