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Today marks the end of a decade. A DECADE, guys. 10 years. It seems crazy to say that “10 years ago” is 2010 and not 1990. I’ve learned that time really does speed up as we get older. I used to think my parents were kidding when they say that time only goes faster the […]


January 1, 2020

A Letter to Me at the Turn of a Decade

As most of you know by now, our little family relocated to the Sacramento area this summer. Leaving behind our home in North Carolina was one of the hardest things we have had to do. We anticipated it being difficult, as it was the first place that truly felt like “home” to us. It was […]


September 10, 2018

Life Lately

I would be lying if I said that I was completely comfortable in my own skin. Because I am not. For as long as I can remember, my insecurities have haunted me and hindered me. They are constantly brought to the forefront of my mind whenever I dream a God-sized dream. I feel inadequate, unqualified […]

faith, fervent study, Lifestyle

February 5, 2018

Who am I?

I tend to have my most revolutionary thoughts at night. Something to do with the quiet I think. It’s the only time of day my boys aren’t awake and tossing a football or jumping off of my couch. My husband goes to bed and the dog usually follows suit behind him or tucks himself up […]


November 21, 2016


Did you guys know that we live in a politically correct society? One in which we can not, should not, dare not offend anyone. You can’t say “hey guys” to a group of dudes standing around because what if one of them doesn’t “identify” as a guy? That would be offensive. I am not supposed to carry […]


May 6, 2016

Doing the Obvious

Happy New Year Friends! I have to say, I’m one of the many, many people who are in full agreement that 2015 was a terrible year. In 2015… I watched a best friend lose her precious baby girl at birth. I watched never-met-before friends lose children through the power of social media. I’ve watched marriages fall apart. […]


January 1, 2016

Fresh Start

I really wish that I was as strong as people seem to think that I am. Truly. I’ve gotten so many comments in weeks past, with the news of our adoption and then the news pretty much immediately following that our son may have autism. Comments from people I have known for years and comments […]

faith, Lifestyle

December 8, 2015

I’m Really Not as Strong as You say I am

I don’t do well with time frames, guys. As I’m sure you can tell seeing as how two of the three Fervent posts so far have been late. It’s not that I don’t try to get these up on time, but sometimes when the good Lord is doing work in an area of your life, you […]

faith, fervent study, Lifestyle, Mental Health

September 8, 2015

Spiritual Identity Crisis //Fervent Week 3

I like pretty things. I like pretty notebooks and colorful pens and washi tape. I like to decorate all the things…I’ve been known to take perfectly sized pieces of card-stock into bookmarks using some of the aforementioned tools. I watch hand-lettering videos on Skillshare and have given Calligraphy a failed attempt in the past.  I like things […]

faith, Lifestyle

September 2, 2015

You’re Never Going to be Good Enough

Reading…  Still working through What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren, Jesus > Religion (for the second time) by Jefferson Bethke and I Want God by Lisa Whittle. Playing… knock out this to-do list that never, ever ends. Watching… Parenthood Season Six (since we finally finished Criminal Minds and are anxiously awaiting Season 11 on September 30). Trying… to set […]


July 29, 2015

Currently in July

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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