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If you’re here to join in with No Mom Talk Monday, you’ll find the link below! Never joined in? Have no idea what No Mom Talk Monday even is? No worries! You can click HERE to read all about it! I’d love to have you participate! The hubby and I have heard it over and […]


February 28, 2011

You must be new here…

For the past few weeks I’ve been piecing together a little series for you guys to share here…I  haven’t mentioned it to anyone just in case it didn’t work out like I hoped it would. But now, it has. And now I can share it with all of you! I am a person whose creativity […]


February 22, 2011

Free to be…inspired | Madeline Bea

I promised you guys photos of the new house, so here ya’ go! Keep in mind that these are serving as “before” photos! I haven’t painted, or completely unpacked yet [considering our household goods haven’t arrived]. Once I do I will show you those photos too so you can see what a home interior mastermind […]


February 9, 2011

Welcome Home

Being in a new home has given me a lot of perspective on change and adaptation…both of which we are doing a lot of lately. The husband is love, love, loving his new job at the clinic and I am so proud of him for pursuing what it was that he really, really wanted. He […]

Blogging, Lifestyle, Random Things

February 8, 2011

My turn…

Contrary to popular belief, creative juice doesn’t just flow freely in most the minds of most bloggers. For most of us it’s an ongoing process and not something that comes naturally 24 hours a day. So to ease the troubled minds of some of the other moms/bloggers out there who may be feeling in the […]

Blogging, Random Things, Uncategorized

February 1, 2011

Tips & Tricks for Maintaining Creativity

Okay, I said I wasn’t going to start this until next Friday, but I told a tiny little white lie. Because I’ve read some really great blogs this week and I felt the need to share them with you all today. That way, in case you are looking for some weekend reading or just haven’t […]


January 29, 2011

Feature Friday: Giving Credit where Credit is due

No, unfortunately I’m not setting up my new house here in Alaska, yet. However, I have been busy setting up my new home here on WordPress! It has been a somewhat smooth transition {if you don’t count the fact that I’m still having issues getting my Google Friend Connect box to work and that it […]

Blogging, Lifestyle

January 26, 2011

Setting up house…

I’ve thought many times to myself that maybe, just maybe, I should have started this blog as an anonymous mother. Just a woman somewhere out here in this great big, wide world who has thoughts and opinions and ideas about life that she wanted to share. I’ll be honest, my life might possibly seem all […]

Blogging, Writing

January 21, 2011

If I were anonymous…

Happy 2011, everyone! I hope you all had a safe and exciting New Year’s Eve/Day. Me? I was asleep as the New Year rolled in and spent New Year’s Day eating {again…didn’t I do enough of that at Christmas?} and enjoying some time with family. Hard to believe we will be telling them goodbye in […]


January 3, 2011

What’s to come…

Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and input on this series. Blogging is something that takes time. It can take months-maybe even a few years-to grow your blog enough to ever be considered a “professional.” There are a few mommy bloggers that reached their pinnacle through unfortunate family circumstances, and then for others […]


January 3, 2011

Quality over Quantity: It’s not how often you post | Blogging Effectively Series

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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