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I am a BIG dork when it comes to the New Year. I hate the word “resolution” because it simply implies that you are writing down (if you even write them down) some goals for the year…only to get two weeks into them and throw in the towel. I don’t make resolutions. I set goals. […]

Blogging, Lifestyle, Random Things

January 4, 2013

Planning, Dreaming, Goal Setting

I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut lately. I blame part of it on pregnancy and the fact that I spend about 80% of my day wishing I was sleeping. I missed the memo that, even though I was utterly and completely exhausted my first pregnancy, the second time around was 100 times […]

Blogging, Random Things

September 18, 2012

Ordinary Everyday

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking this weekend. About my family. About our life here in Alaska. About my business. But mostly about my blog and my writing and what I want to do with it. Where I want to take it. When I first started this blog back in August of 2008, I was […]

Blogging, Writing

June 3, 2012

Where Blogging fits into the Future

Aside from questions regarding photography and editing, most emails that come my way are about blog design. How I started my business, what advice I could recommend for people interested in designing (or redesigning) their own blog, and requests to do reviews and critiques for other sites. I added Site Critiques and Consultation to my […]


April 17, 2012

5 Essential Elements of a Great Blog Design

  Being a business owner scares me. Not because of money. Or liability. Or fear of messing up someones blog or website. Those things could be bad; cataclysmic even to my business or my reputation. Those things worry me, but they aren’t the things that I dwell on. Those things that leave me antsy here […]

Blogging, Family, Lifestyle, Random Things, Uncategorized, Work at Home Mom

February 29, 2012

Losing Your Integrity to Competition

I’m not a stickler for rules. In my opinion some rules were meant to be broken: In terms of photography, the rule of composition can be broken and you can still score a beautiful photo; In terms of design, some fonts that are just “not useable” can be used to create something great (unless we’re […]


February 27, 2012

5 Ways to Lose Readers

I started blogging in college. Make when MySpace was the cool thing and you could decorate your profile using crazy neon color schemes and backgrounds. Some of my sorority sisters read it and offered feedback, so I felt like a real accomplished writer. Then, when Little Man was born in 2008, I started another blog […]


January 30, 2012

5 Things Every Blogger Should Know

It took me some time to get on the train with the one word for the year hype. I spent a lot of time wondering whether or not just one word would suffice to keep me on track for the entire year. Could one word drive me to make the most out of every single aspect of […]

Blogging, Lifestyle

January 8, 2012

One Word: Create

I feel like I took a short blogging/social media hiatus this past week. I barely checked in on Twitter, scheduled my posts for the end of the week, and haven’t responded to comments or (most of my) emails. And it’s been great. Little Man’s birthday was on Thursday, so we spent the better part of […]

Blogging, Lifestyle, Random Things

November 1, 2011

When Real Life is Better

Last week I mentioned that I had a new feature in store for all of my readers. I’m calling this weekly addition to my blog Feature Friday. It’s an opportunity for me to introduce all of you to new bloggers you might not know and an opportunity for bloggers (especially new bloggers) to do some […]

Blogging, Random Things

October 20, 2011

Four Years Apart | Feature Friday

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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