Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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I feel fear. I’m terrified, humanly, of what might happen day in and day out. I fear not raising enough money for our adoption and to bring our baby home. I fear the hatred toward me, my family or our new son or daughter if we end up with a child who is not caucasian…because despite […]
There’s lots of “rules” with modern day Christianity. It’s all the things you are and aren’t “allowed” to do and think and feel that really left me thinking several months ago about whether I wanted to be a Christian, by the worlds terms, or a follower of Christ and a Disciple for Jesus in scriptural […]
Without starting a political debate, I thought that this example was fitting for this post… When Josh and I lived in Florida, we were at the very bottom of the financial food chain. Many people seem to think that military members live the high life. And while some do, they are usually the ones with […]
Once upon a time, I heard a story. A story about a man who did insanely unbelievable things. He walked on water… He brought sight to the blind… He raised the dead… The kind of things that only fairy tales are made of. I was 12 when I finally decided to accept these fairytales for the […]
Somewhere along the way in this journey of faith, someone got the impression that this life was easy. Personally, I blame the rise in the power of the media. News stories right and left about the “good” life that all of these celebrities lead, and tragedy and heartbreak for all of us “normal” people. Throw in […]
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