Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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I definitely had more photos to choose from this week for iPhoneography. Courtney introduced me to a little addiction app called Instagram and I’ve been using it like crazy this week. It’s similar to flickr…but much cooler and not nearly as much work. I also downloaded a few other apps that I haven’t had as […]
It’s that time again! Time for me to share some of my favorite posts from the week with all of you. I’ve gotten some good responses from this; some of you have found new blogs, others have seen traffic directed there way, so I’m glad to see that you guys are reading the blogs I […]
Alright guys! Here you go. My very first Vlog. 🙂 Please pardon the “umms” and too many “ands.” It’s been way too long since my last public speech so I’m rusty and out of practice [and YES I used to be extremely good at interviews and public speaking.] My accent is thick, so I’m anticipating […]
I know several of you have been itching for some more photos of “home” here in Alaska. So today, that’s what you’re going to get. Different shots of different things, from different areas of our home. Enjoy! {The ice accumulation on the outside of the windows} {Outside of our Bedroom Window} {Outside […]
There are just some things that I adore more than others. Like when my husband does completely random sweet and thoughtful things for me; or when the little guy comes up to me at sporadic moments and simply looks at me and says “Hug, Mama!” with his arms spread out. Finding my favorite tea bags […]
The airport was a very dull, paling gray. There was way too much light streaming in through the wall-to-ceiling windows and too much chatter in the waiting area. “I need a gate pass, please. We just want to go to back to the terminal and watch him get off the plane.” “Ma’am, I’m going to […]
Every day around lunch time, you can find the little guy propped up in the window looking out waiting for his daddy to come home for lunch. After lunch, he climbs right back up in the same window seat and watches his daddy drive off…waving and smiling as he drives away. When 4:00 rolls around […]
My real life and bloggy BFF Courtney has started her own cute little photography meme! She’s had it going on for a few weeks now and I’ve just gotten around to linking up for the first time. The idea is to use your iPhone [or other smart phone device…whatever it may be] to snap a […]
There are times that I step back from the mirror [or the computer] and wonder, what on EARTH am I thinking? It’s no lie. There are times when I honestly and truthfully just annoy myself. I sit back sometimes when I’m at my worst and wonder why my husband puts up with my unbelievably frustrating […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST