Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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Slowing it Down by Shell @ Things I Can’t Say: This post, paired with this post made for a weepy mommy these last few weeks. With my little guy getting ready to head off to pre-school in another couple of months, I’m learning and being reminded day after day after day, that I’ll never get […]
How was your week? Things were good here. Despite wishing I was at #BlogHer and trying to get caught up on blog comments, things were pretty low key around here. I started my C25K Program on Monday, started keeping track of calories again using My Fitness Pal, and I just feel better all the way […]
Growing up my mom was a stay-at-home parent. She did the school parties, the extracurricular activities, the housework, the laundry, the cooking…you know. Typical “mom” stuff. She rarely complained (though I chalk that up to the fact that when we got old enough, she made my sister and I start cleaning and doing laundry). I […]
It’s really hard for me to write this post. For me to open up, admit to my struggle and finally take the steps to do something about it. It’s been a long time coming, something that I’ve worked on occasionally, only in passing, and then given up and pretended that it didn’t bother me. I’ve […]
When it comes to blogging, I think I’ve gotten a pretty decent grasp on things. I interact on some of the most important social media platforms out there (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest). I make sure my posts go up on these networks when they’re published and I’m make certain to expose my writing […]
How is your weekend going so far? I meant to get this posted earlier today (think, 7:00 am earlier) but the day has gotten away from me. The hubs had to work, the little man is sickly again, and it’s just been an emotional whirlwind around our house (more on that to come this week!). […]
So how was everyone’s week? Things were pretty good here at the “K” household. Lots of work for me, a few days of gorgeous sunshine (followed by some down days of RAIN) and a happy and somewhat healthier little boy. I know I’ve said it before, but I really love these posts…the ones where I […]
I always love running across new memes and blog hops that give me great ideas and inspiration for posts. Not that there is anything wrong with the fun quirky memes, or the Photography Challenges (which, by the way, did you notice that we just launched the debut of Still Life Standouts today?). You all know […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST