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A Call to Arms

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  1. Renae Cox says:

    I was never taught to pray. I didnt grow up in church but a few years ago we found our home in a church while seeing this pastor for marital counseling. I have some lady friends that get together on mondays for bible study and prayer time. When these women pray your hair stands up. You can feel the Holy Spirit. However, instead of learning from it I get overwhelmed and self concious because my prayers do not sound like that. I know prayer works…ive experienced it but something is holding me back. I tend to back off when things get tough instead of reaching out.

  2. Kathy Black says:

    I needed to be reminded of how critical it is to be intentional in prayer. Some years ago my husband wad laid off and I used lack of privacy as an excuse to slack off in intercession time. After a couple of months he went back to work on a Wednesday and I fought my flesh and returned to my prayer closet.
    As I prayed I began to “see” a dark figure walking around and around the bank where our daughter worked. It was so odd I almost shrugged it off. But I kept praying and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “That is a spirit of murder and I want you to pray against it.” Very unsettling but I did.
    After prayer I thought how strange that had been especially since our daughters last day at the bank was in two days.
    On Friday morning I received a call at work from the bank supervisor:
    “Mrs.Black, Olivia is fine but she was just held up at gun point. The man has been arrested.”
    Olivia later told me the man had pulled his gun on her, demanded money and then INEXPLICABLY put the gun back in his pocket and walked away!!!!!
    There are so many layers to this experience but the most critical one is:

  3. Ashley says:

    I was introduced to my cousins friend years ago, who introduced me to a Ministry group of women who have retreats each year. I went to my first retreat years ago in Texas. There you learn A LOT !! I have experienced the power of prayer MANY times. Every time I’m still just as amazed of how good and powerful our God is. When I feel like God doesn’t hear me, I dig deeper, journal and pray even more. God’s timing is the best. What scares me the most of being a stronger prayer warrior is the attacks Satan brings. I want to be much stronger and prayer ready for when I am under attack.

  4. Lisa Watts says:

    I grew up in church but was never really taught how to pray. I just prayed a basic prayer. It was as a young adult, during a Bible study, that I learned to really pray. I have seen God work as a result of my prayers.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.