I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Life’s Lessons

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  1. Courtney K. says:

    ME TOO! So sad!!

  2. I’m going to have to check out that Harry Potter post! I cried when it was over.

  3. sara says:

    I loved this! I have no patience either!! I too was devastated that HP is over. I cried all the way through that movie- mostly because it was the last:-(

    • Courtney K. says:

      I didn’t cry until I got home. It was a big realization that part of my childhood, maybe the only part that’s left, is over. 🙁 At least now I know I’m not alone!

  4. Marybeth says:

    What a great post! Great life lessons to have learned this past week. I am new to this Blog Hop also, and I am way excited! It looks super fun, and I love a little deeper blog hop every now and then! Can’t wait to keep reading on your site!
    New follower 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Hey Marybeth! Glad you stopped by and so excited you subscribed! 🙂 I think this meme is a fun way to recall the little things that make week to week activities humorous and memorable. Hope you’re having a great week!

  5. I’m on Google+ but forget that I am. There are so many social media outlets that I can’t even keep up anymore! I’ve been avoiding anything HP related b/c I’m 2 movies behind and don’t want to read anything that could potentially be a spoiler. I need to get caught up! I’m so glad you joined in on the meme this week!!

    • Courtney K. says:

      You are telling me! 🙂 Google + looks like it could be something I could get into, but the lack of ability to post things directly there (like I do on Twitter) makes it a pain. You definitely need to catch up on Harry Potter! This last movie was FANTASTIC!!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    If you write about Twilight, I will be forced to pretend I don’t know you. Ok, not really. But, seriously. Don’t go down that path. Do you need an intervention? 🙂

    I haven’t seen the latest Harry Potter movie simply because I never finished the series – plus, my sister told me that my favorite character dies a rather horrific death in the movie, so I’m not sure that I actually want to. …

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL No worries. The only post I wrote about Twilight was in regards to marriage. 🙂 Pretty popular post, actually. Who’s your favorite character?!

      • Elizabeth says:

        Snape! I always felt he just needed more hugs as a kid … and then later in the series, when you find out it really did have to do with a lack of hugs … well, that was just sad. He was so misunderstood and brave and generally awesome. And then my sister had to tell me about how graphic (or at least auditory) his death is, and I decided I didn’t want to see it in theaters, where everything is a gajillion times louder and larger than on my living room television haha.

        Who is your favorite character?

        • Courtney K. says:

          I did like Snape. From the very beginning I knew there was more to his story than we were learning. And yes, his death scene is pretty graphic. I was shocked and almost cried because of how well it was scripted and what a great insight into Snape’s life and personality they gave.

          I always like Lupin. He seemed like a genuine kind of guy. But I could never pick a favorite. LOL

  7. Carey says:

    Funny story on your HP post. My oldest daughter saw it via Amy and commented she thought it was similar to her own teen thoughts. When I explained the author of the HP post and our blog designer were one and the same, she was surprised. Small world we live in! LOL

    • Courtney K. says:

      Most definitely a small world! I grew up with Harry and the gang…lots of memories from my childhood wrapped up in that series. 🙂

  8. Mandi says:

    Congrats on the still life meme! I think it will be a hit! And I am so glad opportunities are taking off for you! I knew they would… you are too talented for them not to!
    Patience? Oh man… I am DYING over here waiting and waiting for you know what!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Awww, thank you, girl! 🙂 Your comment really made my day. And yeah…me and patience? Not friends. But, God’s always presenting me with situations where I have to just sit and wait. And wait. And wait some more. 🙂

  9. ha! that spam comment is awesome!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Right?! That one totally cracked me up. I get a lot of sales pitches for fashion handbags and viagra (of all things) but this one took the cake!

  10. Kimberly says:

    I love this link up with Rach! I do mine each weekend too!

    I’m on Google plus, but that really doesn’t mean anything. I’ve never typed anything or explored. I know it will just be another time suck that I just can’t handle now.

    And patience? My worst nightmare. I have none. Zero. At all. It’s awful too. I hate waiting. I’m an instant gratification type of person and when I want something? I want it NOW!

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL Yep. I’m right there with you when it comes to Patience. I can’t help it. I don’t TRY to be so darn impatient, but it just happens. And of course, I’m CONSTANTLY presented with situations where I NEED to have patience. Good luck getting Google + figured out. I’m getting there s l o w l y, but it’s a pain to have an extra account to login to on a daily basis, so it kind of gets ignored.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.