There is a little pond here on the base that we like to take the dog to. Most days, her insane amount of shedding is too much for me to even attempt to give her a bath in the tub (can you imagine what a mess that would be to clean up?), so instead, we take her to the pond to swim.
We throw the tennis ball, let her jump in after it a few times, lather her up with doggie (or is it “doggy?”) soap, and then repeat until she’s rinsed.
The little guy has as much, if not more, fun than she does.
And it’s always an opportunity for me to snap a few photo’s.
Like this one, of my sweet, sweet soon-to-be three year old.
(And by “soon-to-be,” I mean in October…but we’re already almost to June, so that is soon.)
It’s always entertaining, and we always leave just a little bit more excited than we were when we got there. Funny how something so simple, like giving the dog a ‘pond bath’ can change your mood and make you just a tiny bit happier. Maybe it’s because this is the face I see as we play and relax:
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.