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52 Faces | Week 5

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  1. […] things: I’m linking this post up with Courtney Kirkland‘s 52 faces challenge. This is week 5. Also, in other news, I am very happy to announce that I […]

  2. Jessica says:

    I also love your pictures, so this week is no exception. I’m sure your vacation will be a blast. I’m sure getting out of the snow will be nice. I’ve been to Alabama once in my life, and I enjoyed that trip.

  3. Meagan says:

    I love your shots this week! So cute with the red banner – perfect for Valentines! I’m going to have to check out both that photography books. I could use a little inspiration myself these days. And, um, how did I miss the giveaway?? I’m so bummed! I would have loved a cute new cover. I might have to go shopping now! 🙂 Happy weekend Courtney!

  4. annie says:

    Hope {http://besottment.typepad.com/} has one of my favorite journaling styles ever. I have pretty good handwriting but am awful at doodling, so i’m totally jealous of her lettering style! You can browse her journals here: http://paperrelics.com/content/journalgallery. They’re an incredibly inspiring departure from the typical sharing of words. I’ve done a few spreads like hers of my own {minus the fancy lettering}, and it’s a lot of fun. Kind of like scrapbooking, but in a journal.

    I don’t think you posted birthday pictures. I’d love to see them if you have a chance to put them up!

  5. Kyna says:

    Hey love…I feel the EXACT same way about lifestyle photography…in my house anyway! ha ha! I have been trying so hard to take more lifestyle pictures, but everything I take seems so boring, and so not dynamic like I have seen other places…If you come up with some tips, please share 🙂

    Vacation…2nd honeymoon…it sounds amazing! And you better have a cocktail or two while you’re away!! 🙂 Even if it’s a virgin cocktail! ha ha! Something with an umbrella in it! 🙂

  6. The banner is a perfect color contrast to the snow! What wonderful pictures!

  7. Carolyn says:

    Yeah, I’m itching for Spring. Tomorrow we are getting a snowstorm 🙁

  8. Nessa says:

    Oh man… the beach – how nice! That banner is so sweet. In-the-moment photos are all I can really get o our little one… she never sits still so anything posed is never going to happen!

  9. Laura says:

    Oh Yay! I am so excited to hear about your vacation / second honeymoon coming up! What a great opportunity to get out of Alaska, experience some warmth, take some time away from everything, and experience being just you and your husband for a bit.

    Gorgeous photos! 🙂

  10. Mirella says:

    Hi There,

    What a great website is this, I really, really love it.
    I’m Mirella and I’am from the Netherlands, I write my blog in English because I want to learn the language better, yes I know i’m crazy LOL.
    But I also love to “meet” people from other country’s.

    I will place your webiste in my favorite links, so I can come back another time.

    Have a fantastic day.


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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.