I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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2:00 am to Midnight

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  1. Terri says:


    I loosely follow your website because I know this scenario all too well. The difference is I only have 1 baby, but I’m doing it alone. I laughed/cried at the part about stepping on another LEGO because I so get it and I’m so in the thick of that. I know that my baby was up every 2-3 hours for the first few months, but it’s all a distant memory-thank GOD! That said, I’m currently watching Family Feud because my brain cannot process anything of greater substance and I just re-washed the load of laundry I started yesterday. And forgot about.

    Peace and Love!

  2. Tonya says:

    Caffeine and wine make every shift a little sweeter. Hang in there, mama!!

  3. Elaine A. says:

    Coffee is a REALLY good thing. No matter what people say. Oh, and so are husbands for reinforcements!! 🙂

  4. Laura says:

    Blah. Tell me about it. I’m getting so tired that I no longer can remember how much I’ve been up in the night when the morning comes. It is all a blur. Though I know it is a good night when I am not up. every. hour. (!!!)

  5. Jennifer says:

    As much as I love my babies, I do not miss those days at all.

  6. Greta says:

    Oh, how I don’t really miss those days. While newborns are squishy and precious and full of as much love as poop, they sure are hard work. Thank GOODNESS it passes so you can look back on the time fondly and not realistically. 🙂

  7. molly says:

    Man, does this bring back some memories! You’re doing great mama. I know it’s tiring but this too shall pass.

  8. Jamie says:

    Boy…this post is bringing back so many memories. Not too long ago I was in your same boat. I miss it…but then again I don’t. So many emotions we go thru as mothers! Keep up the great work! Your the best momma and wife you can be right now!

  9. Alison says:

    Oh hey, this sounds familiar 🙂

  10. Oh my.
    I remember those days. Sadly my ‘baby boy’ is 17 mos old now and I’m again living with losing sleep, (but not as much as you) as we just moved him into a toddler bed and he’s still adapting. Also suffering alongside you in the showering whilst leaving the door open and freezing, cereal (or poptarts today) crushed into the carpet, and mommy’s can of sprite spilled everywhere, and an almost four year old running amok, derailing all hopes I have for accomplishing anything but that cold shower by the time hubby comes home. Double sadly? Hubby is working ridiculous shifts (yay military) and just started spring semester last week, so reinforcement is just not happening lately. Hugs, mama. You are not alone.

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