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Why We are Homeschooling

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  1. Shell says:

    Much luck to you!

  2. Carolyn says:

    I echo what Jessica says.

  3. Jessica says:

    Good for you. I wish you luck with the homeschooling. I’m sure you will do great though because you are a very devoted mother.

  4. Melinda says:

    We homeschool our kids for their first year of preschool. I am considering keeping Owen home for preschool next year as well, but Jon and I are undecided. I wanted to homeschool Madeline for kindergarten but after many discussions we decided it wasn’t right for our family right now.
    I have many reasons for wanting to homeschool. One of them is that they are only young once and I feel like the expectations schools today have on these little kids is too much. I don’t see the necessity of my 3 year old being in a classroom all day. I don’t see the necessity of my 4 year old having homework (yes, they have my four year old homework). I think we don’t give kids enough time to simply be kids. And I also don’t think that the expectations of younger kids are in line with their development. There are many studies that show boys often do not read until age 7, yet we expect all kids to read by the end of kindergarten, when they are brealy 6. And then we turn around and say that many of these kids are failing and not meeting standards. I don’t understand it all. And by homeschoolingI can control the pace, my kids get individualized attention and I know what is going on first hand. I love the idea of homeschooling but right now it doesn’t work for us past preschool.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I agree. My 3 year old doesn’t have the attention span to sit and do schoolwork all day long. Plus, he’s the active type. He has no interest in sitting and coloring all day long. He’d rather play learning games and do puzzles. And I don’t think any teacher is going to let him do that all day. Controlling the pace and the learning style is the most convenient for him and for our family.

  5. Sara says:

    Fabulous choice! I’ve been homeschooled the whole way and could not be happier. Take a look a the Five in a Row curriculum, it’s my favorite from when I was younger. Good luck!

  6. Callie says:

    Good for you for deciding to give homeschooling a try! I am a homeschool graduate, and I loved it for all the reasons you listed – and now that I’m a mom, I’m definitely planning on homeschooling our kids as they reach school-age.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      That’s good to know that you had such a positive experience homeschooling! 🙂 That definitely gives me the extra confidence boost I need.

  7. Amy says:

    I’m actually in the very same boat with you right now, Courtney. As yo know, we are also a Coast Guard family, and I sympathize with all of the military related statements you made. The exact same thoughts about travel go through my mind, too. But my main reason for homeschooling Abbey at the preschool age (at least) is about my child’s development as a person. We tried enrolling Abbey in a preschool, because, like you (but not to the same extent!), I was starting to get my act together to work from home, and the time sans preschooler would be so nice to have. It was also going to give me time just with little Joe, to enjoy mommy and Joe time. But it didn’t work out. I realized that choosing to send your preschooler to school is to entrust the teacher and the program with not only your little one’s mind, but their psyches and self-esteem as well. Because of Abbey’s insatiable energy, the teacher pretty much told me that Abbey was a problem and she needed to have more control over her impulses. Uh, DUH she’s 3. That’s why I’m sending her to you. Because you’re a professional. Long story short, the program pushed my mama-bear button too hard and I withdrew Abbey from school. And I’m glad I did. It may be the “mainstream” thing to send 3 year olds to preschool. . . but it’s not always the right thing.

    Since Abbey has been a “home schooled” preschooler, I’ve noticed a huge increase in her self-esteem AND her impulse control. I thought I needed her to be in the care of a “professional” teacher and structured school environment. . . but it looks like my teaching and care at home is just fine 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I agree completely. For a long time I couldn’t grasp or understand why someone would homeschool their children instead of putting them in “regular” school, but like you said, as I got older and became a mother, I realize that school isn’t just about education. I’m sorry that someone would so bluntly and blatantly tell you that your daughter was a problem. I think some kids just thrive under affectionate and encouraging environments. 🙂

  8. I admire you for this decision! Around here they don’t even do pre-school until they’re 4 years old and although I’m sure (now anyway) that I’ll be sending him if he gets in (it’s VERY cut-throat), I’m also sure that I’ll have to do some sort of preschooling at home before those years to get him ready. I love teaching him, it’s one of my favorite things but I don’t think I could EVER homeschool, lol, at least not in the actual “school” years, haha. Congrats on the decision and getting more time with the little man!!!!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thanks girl! 🙂 We moms all homeschool during the early years, whether we realize it or not. They offer a K4 Program at the Elementary school here, too. But the CDC on base has one for all ages. The earlier years are more like daycares, but age 3 and 4 are in a room together. But, again, we opted for the homeschooling for at least a few more years. Who knows where it will take us. 🙂

  9. Jessica says:

    Good for you for making such a great decision. I was homeschooled for a period of my elementary school career and loved it. My mom was a stay at home mom but she also ran a childcare business in the home. I think as long as you can do it and your husband is supportive, that’s all the matters. I have been thinking about homeschooling my girls when the time comes but haven’t made any firm decisions as of yet. I think children benefit so much from a homeschool education, so it would, however, be my first choice.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Jessica! My husband is very supportive and loves knowing that our son is in the best hands possible during the day, instead of off at a school where they don’t give him the attention and support that we offer at home. Keep praying about your decision to homeschool. It wasn’t something that I just jumped into. Lots of prayer went into it and lots of conversations with others who homeschool. Good luck! I’ll look forward to reading about what you decide!

  10. I think it’s great that you are going to take on this challenge and cherish those moments with your little guy. You know, as a former teacher I never even considered homeschooling my kiddos. Crazy right?! But if you were to look at our playroom you would think I was a complete liar because it’s decked out with the alphabet, numbers, colors, sight words, and lots of educational activities. My oldest is 2.5 and I’ve been thinking about it more recently but I’m still on the fence. I guess I have a few more years to go – so we’ll see! Good luck! 🙂 You will do great!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Michelle! It’s definitely not a choice that I came to lightly. And if you’d asked me a year ago if I wanted to homeschool (or would), I would have said no without hesitation. It’s amazing how much we change our minds. 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.