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Which Plate Will Drop?

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  1. Alyssa says:

    In my 20+ years of parenting so far I have learned the hard way that there will be days when ALL the plates drop, but I have also learned that even on those days, you just stop and brush yourself off and pick them back up again. It’s okay to set some down from time to time too–even the important ones. It is a way of caring for yourself and others that cannot be helped. Things will even out for you again–they always seem to. I wish you luck though, and fulfillment on the days you feel you are struggling with the balance. Whatever you’re feeling it is unlikely that you are alone in feeling that way.

  2. You are being too hard on yourself. Seriously. Most people pour all their time into being at home and taking care of kids or working. It is hard, nay, impossible to do both 100%! So don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you can’t give 100% to both. You’re only human. You’re doing everything you do for your family. You are an incredible inspiration to all of us moms watching! 🙂

  3. Austin-Lee says:

    Great post! I think that you said what a lot of us feel. It’s good to know you’re not alone.

  4. oh wow your work is beautiful…just coming across your blog!

  5. kathryn says:

    sweet, Courtney. you do enough. you are enough. believe it. speak it to the mirror if you have to. i am in awe of the plates you juggle and how beautifully they spin. you, my friend, are amazing. just because you are.

  6. Jenn says:

    I can totally understand what you’re going through. So many things! Going from one to two kids – HARD. It’s never the same once the 2nd one comes along. Not to say things are worse, they’re just – different. I had SO MUCH anxiety and guilt over how my first born would feel once the baby came.

    She did just fine, by the way. And now with a THIRD child, I see my kids being family toward each other – helping and hugging, and it warms my heart.

    Balance is still an issue for me. I started my business in 2009, and I’ve been trying to find that balance since then. Some days I feel like, “I GOT this!”, other days I’m just trying to hold on until I can collapse in bed.

    But like you, I don’t want to give any of it up. I LOVE being a mom, and being able to be home with my kids, and I LOVE running my own business. So I just keep trying, and coming up with ways to fit it all in.

    You’ll get to your happy place! You’ll finish your work and get that time with your oldest, and you will feel better!

  7. Excellent outpouring of your heart! Speaking from a mother who’s baby just turned 28, HANG IN THERE! You are doing all the right things, have your priorities in the right place, and are truly blessed with a loving husband and a beautiful little boy.

    Remember, “He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name.” Amos 4:13. You are not alone, you are not expected to do all things but it’s when we depend on Him instead of ourselves that we know we can never fail.

  8. Um you tell it like it is, that’s for sure. Balance is so hard. I’m just doing a SAHM gig and writing on blog sand I have a hard time balancing! Good luck with the juggling.

  9. Lindsey says:

    Courtney, get out of my brain! LoL Seriously. It’s 1am here and I just finished getting some work done after folding a basket of laundry that’s been sitting in the hallway for I do not even know how long. Here’s to juggling 🙂

  10. Alison says:

    I feel like I fail a lot too. I want some days to just die, because it was so crap, I was so crap.

    But, we can’t do it all and do it all perfectly. Some things have to give, and some days, it’s mothering, others, it’s work, and yet other days, it’s the wife thing. The most we can do is to give it all.

    If you didn’t have your work, you may not be the person you are to your boys, and that would not be a good thing. You need that part of you to work. So banish the guilt (easier said than done, yes, I know this!). We do what we can. Some days, we can’t. But there’s always tomorrow. Tomorrow, we will do better. xo

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.