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Where Blogging fits into the Future

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  1. […] Anchorage for a short vacation and the husband’s EMT2 school. I did some soul searching and began the debate on where blogging was going to fit into life when our second baby arrived. As we got closer to the 20 week mark and our gender ultrasound, I […]

  2. Rachel J says:

    I agree with all of this, especially the privacy part. I will never be someone who can divulge all my secrets or stir up controversy. I’m just me, and I do what I do because I like it. I may not have a ton of readers, but I have those who have told me they love what I write, and that makes it worthwhile.

  3. Makeda says:

    Reading your post put a big smile on my face. I just subscribed to your blog this weekend and I’m glad that I did. I’ve been blogging for one year now. When I first started, it was because I had somethings to say and I needed a place to share my feelings, thoughts, and connect with women like me. For the first thirty days or sixty days, I saw what other mombloggers were doing and I tried it. My family began to go lacking in so many areas because I became addicted to making it. I saw how many moms were spending money on sponsorships, ads, and so many other things that it caused me to stop dead in my tracks and ask myself what I wanted. At that time I decided, that I was going to do this for me. I was going to have a place to write and share because that is what I enjoy doing. I decided as you have, that I’m not doing link ups if it’s not to just meet new moms. Promoting my site is not a must. I used to visit blogs just to post my site on the blog and when I realized it, I felt horrible. I thought it was what would work, but I realized that other moms were doing the same thing, but what we all really wanted to do was simply connect with one another. I may have dreams of becoming a writer, but my blog is for fun. I don’t sponsor, post ads, or allow my hobby to interfere with my family life. I want to make friends online and share my story, perhaps even help someone. Someone may say that I have the wrong perspective of the whole mom-blog-thing, but I felt like a mom-blog-aholic…and I didn’t like it. In essence, I am just saying that this is a pretty good decision. It’s like you are returning to your original desire for your blog as well as your family, and I hope it becomes more of a pleasure to you than it ever has been. May the connections that you have made and continue to make be one that bless your life tremendously. I hope to hear more of what you have to say. 🙂

  4. Kimberly says:

    I didn’t start my blog with the intention of hitting blogging stardom, but somewhere along the way I did think about it. It was something I struggled with as I saw other people acheiving that as I sat stagnant. Since then though my mind, and my heart, has shifted. I realize that I started my blog for me, for my family, to document our journey and milestones. And that’s where I want to keep it. Yes, I’ve used it as a springboard for other adventures that I hope to continue to grow, but my blog is for me. And I’m (finally) okay with that.

  5. Carolyn says:

    This was a well-written post.
    I pretty much echo Allison. I mostly blog to connect and well, I like to talk 🙂 so blogging is good for me.

    Already in my first year (now second) I have seen how a blog can give and take, so I’m careful about how much time I spend on it. I’ve also adopted a one-week-off a month rule for me. {Which I’m pretty good at:) }

    I’m glad you won’t go completely, I’m looking forward to baby updates.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.