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When Fear becomes Reality

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  1. Robin says:

    OH NO!!!! I can’t even imagine. Good luck with trying to put things back in order.

    Your SOOCs are wonderful and so are your edits. I absolutely love the yellow flowers against the flag. And the mountains… sigh. Just gorgeous.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thanks Robin. It was pretty devastating, but I’m over it now. Just one of those things, I guess. Thanks so much for your comment! I do have to admit that I *adore* the mountains outside my window.

  2. OH. MY. WORD. I can’t even imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m crying big tears for you now 🙁

    • Courtney K. says:

      Awww, thanks girl! Don’t cry! I did enough of that for all of us when this happened. But it’s all good. I shall survive!

  3. Lisa says:

    How awful! 🙁 I backed up my blog yesterday after I saw this happen to you.

    I really like your edits!

  4. LIzzi S. says:

    I can’t even imagine!

    I’ve broken my blog a few times during make-overs, and that was painful enough. I think I’d go into a mourning period if I had to start over. I seriously do need to back up my blog.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Ugh. Yeah, it wasn’t fun. The only silver lining was that I still had all of my posts. Though, I admit that I was SERIOUSLY considering throwing my hands up and saying forget it.

  5. deb says:

    I’m sorry about the trouble with your blog. That sounds awful. I have backed up my blog through blogger, but I have no idea what to do with the back up if I ever need it. I’ll just have to google it if the time comes, but I sure hope it doesn’t.

    Your flag photos are absolutely incredible! That field of flowers is the perfect background and I love the textures you added on some.

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL I wouldn’t know where to tell you to start. But I know that with blogger, you just save them html file, and then you can reload it if something happens. Blogger is much easier than WordPress I think. Thanks so much for your sweet comment!

  6. Melanie says:

    How do you back up a blog? You scare me now!! 🙁

    • Courtney K. says:

      Are you on Blogger or WordPress? I think they both have a place and a section for backups. I use Windows Live Writer to type all of my posts and by default it saves everything on my computer. 🙂 I *think* there is an export setting on Blogger for places to send your posts as soon as you publish them, but I’m not 100% sure.

      • Melanie says:

        Ok!! Thanks! I will look into it! I am a blogger…www.thecarlisle-family.blogspot.com. I like reading your posts. Your pictures are precious!

  7. Mandi says:

    That is so scary! I’m glad you were able to get your blog back up! What happened? Were you messing with the custom functions? Were you updating WP or a plug in? I’ve only backed up my blog once… I better do that again!

    • Mandi says:

      I want to know what happened so that I won’t do the same thing…

      • Courtney K. says:

        I’m still not 100% sure what happened. I was changing a font color, a simple copy & paste from PS to my Editor and it saved fine. Then, I went to the WordPress Update, clicked “okay” and after a few seconds it was frozen. I received the fatal error of death and my blog and everything on it was gone. LOL Go back up! Maybe you won’t have to deal with this! I had all of my posts saved, but it’s the comments I lost that made me cry. LOL

  8. Shell says:

    Oh goodness! I wondered what happened- I tried to go to your blog yesterday and got an error message.

    Glad you were at least able to get the posts back!!!

    • Courtney K. says:

      So sorry about that! I tried to get the word out on Twitter with what was going on, but I was too freaked out. LOL I’m glad my posts were all saved on my computer, but it sure is heartbreaking to lose so many comments at one time.

  9. Ashley Sisk says:

    Bless your heart – I wondered what was happening but I know how you feel (well not exactly). We now back up my blog regularly but I would still be devastated. Love your edits. Beautiful job.

  10. rachel says:

    scary! what happened? was it blogger? that must be why many of your posts are showing up in my reader again!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Sorry about that! I tried to disable it so that they wouldn’t go back to the reader, but some of them were published as “new posts” instead of under their old dates. Thanks for being so patient! 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.