I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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  1. Happy for your awesome SITS day SITStah! Sorry I am late and missed the official day, but thrilled for you. I pray and hope that you continue to reach deeper into other’s hearts and through your own pain. Thank you for your honesty in all you write. You challenge me to be a bit more vulnerable in my writing too. Blessings…

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Awww, no worries Leah! Thank you for stopping by! Always appreciated! And I encourage you to open up in your writing. I’ve found so many more friendships and deeper connections by not being so scared to put myself out there. You’ll be surprised by how much support there is out here in the blog world!

  2. Jessica says:

    I remember that feeling so well. It is so hard to continue being happy for everyone else when you want a baby of your own so badly. Eight months feels like eight years when you are trying to get pregnant. I hope it happens for you soon Courtney.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      It really does. But, I try to remind myself that in the grand scheme of things, eight months isn’t that long…especially when others have tried for years. There’s always a bright side, right? 🙂

  3. […] despite how PHENOMENAL my SITS Day was yesterday, last night I hit a wall (not […]

  4. Kyna says:

    I now this does not help the pain, or make the ache go away, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and it’s all within God’s plan. Sometimes it takes months or even years to realize it…but it all happens for a reason, and shapes who you are later in life! You are blessed in so many ways (and I know you already know that), but just know that there is a greater plan.
    In the meantime Courtney, here are some {big hugs} for you!
    ♥ Kyna

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      I really believe that, too Kyna. And I tried to remind myself of that over and over again. I know in my heart that there is a time and a place and a purpose for everything. Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement and your virtual hugs!!

  5. Jessica says:

    Happy SITS day Courtney!

    I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to see a newborn and to be struggling with trying to get pregnant. Hugs to you in this difficult time.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Jessica! It’s so hard, but it’s also so humbling to be part of something so special for the other family.

  6. Jessica says:

    Happy SITS day, Courtney! I know that when things are meant to be for you, they will be. While hard, I hope that you can remember to enjoy this time that you do have with your little guy, with your husband, and in your current life. Adding a baby changes things, so remember to savor the now, too. Soon you will be able to look back on this time, with your little one, and laugh. Soon you will wonder why 8 months seemed so long. Soon it will happen. 🙂

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      Thank you, Jessica! That is definitely something I strive to do daily. I know that when another baby comes, my time will be split up, so I’m loving and living it up with the one child I have now. Thank you for your encouragement!

  7. Kathryn says:

    Praying for you Courtney!

  8. I know where you are. I’ve been there – we experienced secondary infertility. There’s a 6 year age gap between our first son and our second son. Our son prayed for 3 years for Jesus to send him a baby brother. In 6th grade, he had to take picture from every year of his life and tell a story. He took the picture of him holding his baby brother when he was born (6) and told the story saying, “Be careful what you pray for because when God answers, he answers abundantly. I now have 3 baby brothers.” Now he has 4.

    Stop by and read my post “Cry Ye Sarah’s” – maybe it will help you through the journey, give you hope and peace:)


  9. Kimberly says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!

    I know the wait is hard and painful, but being able to see the joy in the now is a precious gift. Fingers crossed you won’t have to wait too much longer!

  10. Cher says:

    visiting from SITS, i can relate… had the same experience. but hey, trust GOD’s timing. you can read my post http://www.sweetmemoirs.com/2011/03/pregnancy-update-20-weeks.html
    i had about the same situation as yours but i got pregnant at GOD’s perfect time! cheer up!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.