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This week I learned about Snotsuckers.

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  1. Nichole says:

    Thank you so much for including my snotsucker post here. 😉

    I love this list so much.

    Lately, I’ve been using the word poop to snap my kids out of any grumpiness. One stategically dropped “poopyhead” works wonders. 😉

    Also…bloggy friends are, indeed, real. I wrote about the ultimate gift today…one that came from a bloggy friend.

    Awesome post. Have a fabulous long weekend!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Haha! You’re welcome! I found that so revoltingly gross. And we use words like “pooyhead” and “stinky face” around here, too. It works wonders. I read your post for today just a few minutes ago and cried. Absolutely amazing story. So happy that that option is available for you guys. What a blessing! Enjoy your weekend, as well!

  2. Kimberly says:

    Okay, the snotsucker thing is insanely disgusting. I would never, EVER, do that. Ick.

    As for blogging friends being real? Yes! You are! I would so love to hang out with you in real life. Cookie dough ice cream? Y-U-M.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Nor would I. Who even comes up with those things?! And yes. Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Lots and lots and LOTS of it!

  3. Kathryn says:

    I’m right there with you on a lot of those things!
    1- yeah i’m a nagger too. And I agree it does not work!
    2- yeah been there done that….
    3- yeah that is sooo gross, I wanted to gag.
    8- me too girl, me too.

  4. I’m actually considering buying a Nose Frida. I’m not kidding. I’ve heard they really work, and my Noah’s been stuffed up for over a week. Anything to get the kid a little relief, because the aspirator ain’t cuttin’ it!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I bet they do work, and if Noah like REALLY needed it, I might consider it. But it would have to be dire. Otherwise I’d puke.

  5. Jessica says:

    Ewww! Who would even think of that? Gross!

    Anyway, I am super sorry that you miss your family and the fact that you have been crazy busy here lately (although that’s a good thing but not if you’re too crazy).

    Men do not change…that’s for sure. I have tried for years to change mine, it’s not working.

    Take a deep breath, enjoy the long weekend and watch some football!

    • Courtney K. says:

      The schedule is nuts, but I’m really loving the work and the chance to play with other peoples sites instead of just my own. 🙂 Planning to take Saturday off and enjoy the time with my boys.

  6. Jessica says:

    That snotsucker is disgusting. I’m sorry you miss your family. I hope you get to see them soon. Taking personal days is pretty much impossible when you work for yourself.

  7. Ashley Sisk says:

    Best post ever…

    That one thing…GROSS! I almost vomited in my mouth.

    Blog friends are real and I am right there with you…I totally wish I could have a slumber party with all of them (you included). That’d be pretty great.

    And boys don’t change. Harsh reality. Except, I’m not sure I do either.

  8. Kiddothings says:

    The thing about snotsuckers reminded me of when my mom actually asked me to suck snot out of my baby to clear his nostrils if he was having difficulty breathing because of a stuffy nose. I was appalled at her suggestion but I see her point. Interesting that they should have such a product. I’ve never seen it in my country.
    My kids will laugh at anything poop related too! 🙂

  9. Mandi says:

    Sean is so excited about going to the Auburn game tomorrow… 🙂

  10. Sara says:

    We’re proud Alabama fans over here in NC!!! My husband is like a little kid at Christmas about this weekend… which is probably why he also has clothes all over the floor. Oh, wait no… that’s because he’s a dirt muffin 🙂

    I’m down for the bloggy sleepover!!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.