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Things you shouldn’t say to a Woman who is TTC

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  1. Lindsey says:

    My husband and I have no problems in the fertility department, so I tend to be insensitive toward the issue. I’ve said more than one of these things to friends who are TTC, even jokingly, and feel like a heel for it afterward. I have to say that I don’t really know how it feels, and make a conscious effort to keep my mouth shut.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I think the key thing is that you acknowledge that they can be hurtful to others. Knowing it and making an effort to avoid that kind of thing is what counts. I was guilty of saying things like that myself right after we got pregnant with Little Man. We only tried one month and then BAM. Big fat positive. Now that this time hasn’t been so easy, I’m learning to err on the side of caution with things like this.

  2. Jessica says:

    I didn’t have any trouble conceiving but I’m sorry you are going through this and that people are making these hurtful remarks to you. Stay positive and don’t let them get to you.

  3. Kimberly says:

    It amazes me how people can be so insensitive and just plain ignorant. Love this post and think all should read it!

  4. Are you serious???!!!! It truly amazes me how much people butt into other’s business and most of the time just ONE WORD can ruin things. Well said and hopefully SOMEONE just might get a clue by reading what you have had to say. And from one MaMMa to another who are in a similar boat…yes, it is up to God. Trusting and clinging….:)

    • Courtney K. says:

      You’re right! I’m so aware of God’s timing and his presence…I just don’t need everyone else and their brother preaching it to me, ya know? LOL Fingers crossed for you and your family, too. The waiting is SO HARD.

  5. Ana says:

    Seriously people have said that to you?! How rude!! I am so sorry. You have good advice for all those nosy rude people. Well said Courtney.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh yes. I’ve heard all of these things and variations of each one over and over again. People seem to think that conception is everyones business.

  6. Summer says:

    So true! I seriously think you said it all quite perfect!

  7. Mandi says:

    People can be so rude sometimes… and they think they are “helping”. I am learning to shake it off and will be teaching MY daughter better manners. 🙂

  8. Jessica says:

    Oh goodness, so true and so funny :). We tried for about 1.5 years before we got pregnant with Little Man and people were just downright rude…the people who didn’t know we were trying would just say stuff like “when are you guys gonna have a baby, you’ve been married a while” and then those that did know where like “Just stop thinking about it”…ugg! I do have to say that it was the month that I didn’t think about it as much that I got pregnant, I had forgotten my Ovulation test thingies at work and it was a holiday weekend, i had quit charting my temperature and it was a Holiday weekend (Thanksgiving) and we had a lot going on. We’ve talked about starting to try for a 2nd now just because it took us so long the first time but I just don’t know if I’m ready right now or not but I don’t want to wait too long…such a hard decision.

    Anyway, enjoy this time with the hubs and tell people to SCREW OFF, hahahahaha! Seriously! I had to tell my father-in-law once that it wasn’t his business and to just not mention it to me…he knew we were trying and knew we had been for a while, yet he’d say things like “Gosh, I can’t wait till y’all have one, hurry up” and just rude comments…so I just had to tell him :).

    • Courtney K. says:

      I don’t blame you. Fortunately most of our family has been pretty understanding and pretty considerate so far. They’re just happy that the longer it takes for me to get pregnant, the closer it is until the time we move closer to home. I’ve actually been busy enough lately to not fool with temperature charting and ovulation testing. Not only is it a HUGE time suck, but it isn’t really healthy to spend so much time dwelling on things like that. So I stopped. We’re out for this month, but I have so much going on that I don’t even have time to think about it. When the Lord is ready to bless us with another child, he will. And I know it. I just don’t need everyone ELSE to tell that to me. LOL

  9. Julie says:

    My Bro & SIL had infertility issues… and so many times I saw that pain that crossed their faces when my aunts/cousins, etc would ask them if they were thinking about having kids. Those questions can be heartbreaking.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Yes they can. It’s so hard when you WANT to have another baby and WANT to add to your family and just haven’t been able to.

  10. Jessica says:

    Love this Courtney, I remember, by our second year of dealing with infertility, I began avoiding people all together because of the insensitive comments. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Stumbling this post. Everyone should read it!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you for the stumble, Jessica. I can’t imagine some of the hurtful things that were said to you during that time. People can be so insensitive…and usually without even realizing it.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.