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As I’ve gotten wiser older, I’ve really come to realize the impact that our childhood has on our adult life. I recognize that childhood is extremely important; and as parents we always talk about how big of an impact it has on how our kids turn out. Lately I’ve done some soul searching of my own, and I’ve picked up on a few things about myself that are a direct result of my childhood.
I hope you guys don’t totally think I’m a weirdo now. I could have drug this list on a little bit longer, but I figure after telling you that I don’t go to the dentist and that I don’t always fold our clothes, you might start to think I’m a bit unruly and unkempt. So I better stop it right there. I’m pretty sure my son will grow up to hate dusting the furniture. Because next to laundry, it’s my least favorite chore. One that I fully intend to deem his responsibility when he gets a wee-bit older.
What quirks, mindsets and habits are you building in your own children?
What areas of your adult life have been impacted by your childhood?
Don’t forget that today is the LAST day to vote for my blog as one of the Top 25 Military Family blogs on Circle of Moms. Would you please take a second to click the button and go give us a thumbs up?
[…] Growing up my mom was a stay-at-home parent. She did the school parties, the extracurricular activities, the housework, the laundry, the cooking…you know. Typical “mom” stuff. She rarely complained (though I chalk that up to the fact that when we got old enough, she made my sister and I start cleaning and doing laundry). […]