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When it comes to blogging, I think I’ve gotten a pretty decent grasp on things.
I interact on some of the most important social media platforms out there (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest). I make sure my posts go up on these networks when they’re published and I’m make certain to expose my writing to as many people as possible.
I reply to comments. I may not always get a chance to reply to every comment that very day, but I do reply, even if I am a few days late. Community is the number one most important aspect of blogging for me. I write for the community, for the relationships and the friendships formed through this little outlet I’ve got going on.
I spotlight other bloggers. I do a weekly list of posts I love highlighting new and different bloggers every week. I work to make sure that new and up-and-coming bloggers are exposed and introduced to wider audiences. I join memes, allow others to Guest Post for me and I guest post for others.
“Socialization” wise, I’m pretty good. I think.
But I struggle with the sponsorships. The advertisements. The getting someone to want to post their buttons and banners on my blog. It’s not even about the money. Really. I even went as far as to offer swaps and exchange sponsorship to highlight new businesses and bloggers.
But it just doesn’t WORK for me.
I see bloggers whose audience is the same size as mine, with the same general readership stats, and they have tons of sponsors. It just doesn’t seem to work for me at all.
What am I doing wrong? I’ve offered discounted prices, I do big write-ups and sponsor spotlight‘s.
Fill me in, blogging gurus. Cause this mama is lost!
Prompt: Advice for me – Tell us about something blog or social media-related that you see as a strength of yours, as well as an area that you could improve upon.
I’m curious to know the answer to this question as well. I have gotten approached from some ad groups but I want to make sure that it is the right fit first.
I agree. I’ve gotten a few emails and such from people, but I’m only willing to offer and extend advertising positions to people and companies that I feel 100% confident will be relative to my blog and my readers.
Some of them are affiliate ads… but I am learning that you need to ask businesses and offer them some kind of deal like a free month or a discounted rate. Ask ask ask! It’s not enough to put up a “your ad here” button… which is GREAT… you need them because they show that you are accepting ads but I am realizing that unless you have a large audience or you have a very targeted niche then you have to pitch businesses to get the ads. Etsy is a great place to find small business owners who would benefit from advertising on your blog. You could even offer to make a graphic ad for them because a lot of them aren’t prepared for that. Follow businesses you like on Twitter so they know you exist. Check out businesses from a designers portfolio… these people are willing to spend money on advertising and usually want to grow their business. Basically, there are so many bloggers out there that YOU have to be the one to contact businesses instead of waiting for them to find you.
I am so glad you asked this as I am wondering the same question! This is an area that I really want to work on so I’m going to be stalking this post looking for responses! Love all the advice so far!
Thanks Jamee! There is a TON of great advice being offered up on this one, so make sure you come back to read the latest responses!
Thanks for responding! I love all of the advice that has been given! I’d be totally interested in doing an ad swap if you are interested!
Hey Jamee! Feel free to use the contact form or send me an email for information about swapping advertisements!
Agreed. I think that’s where I’ve made the mistake. I’ve been focused on SO MANY other aspects of blogging (like…writing?) and haven’t sought out some sponsors. I may try to make that a goal for September.
I’ve been waiting to decide if I even want to add sponsorships or ads to my blog. I’ve been blogging for so long, but just in the last few months decided I really wanted to put the time and energy into it to make it grow. I think you’re doing a pretty good job. Looks like you’ve got quite a few sponsors over there! 🙂 I hope you get some good advice. I do think a lot of it is in the relationships and who you know. Good luck!
I agree. I think a large aspect of blogging (in any way) has to do with who you know. When and if you decide to start adding sponsors let me know! I’d love to swap advertising space with you!
Well to me you look like you have it all together when it comes to sponsors. Your sidebar is full! But as far as your question, I’m not great in this area either but a few of the times I have found sponsors or sponsored posts it has been through Clever Girls or Mom Central.
I just signed up for Mom Central, as well! I’ve done a few sponsored posts with Clever Girls and love the chance to expand my writing and do some work for businesses. A few of the links in my sidebar right now are affiliate links, but after posting this I’m starting to slowly find more bloggers looking to gain exposure as well. I’m getting there. 🙂
I love reading this ideas, My numbers are way down. i need to get back on my game. I cannot wait to come back and read what everyone else writes
Make sure you come check out the rest of the comments! I’ve gotten a ton of feedback so far!
I think some of thos ads are affiliate links. You only make money if people click on them.
Agreed. I have some of those set up as well.
I haven’t really gotten into the whole advertising side of things yet so I’m no help here. I hope you get it figured out.
Thanks Jessica! I’m sure you will at some point. Your blog definitely has a ton to offer sponsors.
[…] certain areas) in the areas that we struggle with. For example, on Sunday, I shared my thoughts and frustrations with my lack of ability to find consistent Sponsors here. While blogging isn’t about the money at all, showcasing and highlighting featured businesses and […]
Ok, #1, I’d love to swap ads with you, if ya want :). LOL. #2, when you figure this out, let me know. And, #3…I think it’s all about who ya know, just like in the “real world”, but I do have a few tips (I haven’t done any of these yet because I’m trying to grow my readership, etc). First, stalk Etsy for products that you love, when you find someone that makes things that you yourself would use (or have used), e-mail them…offer them a free month if they sign up for x amount of months. Or, if you have a friend or family member that makes things and sells them, make them a free ad and place it on the blog and then track it’s clicks so that you can tell your potential advertisers how many clicks your ads are averaging. Second, Swap ads (I know you’re already doing this, I just had it on my list). That’s really all I have got, lol. I majored in Advertising in college and I have tried for years to get a grasp on the “perfect” advertising plan…there’s not one. You’ll find something that works for you, I am hoping that once my readership is up, I can get some advertisers too. Like I said a minute ago, I think it’s all in who you know…so get out there and stalk people, get to know them. I ramble, it’s my nature, sorry for such a long comment.
This is REALLY great advice. 🙂 I guess those advertising classes have paid off! I never thought to really stalk Etsy shops, but that definitely makes sense! I’ll have to do that. Shoot me an email about swapping sponsorships! 🙂
I think what Jessica said is GREAT! There’s a certain blogger who I admire for her tenacious attitude about sponsors. She started by approaching companies she loved (not Target or anything, but smaller, independent stores), and built from there. From watching her, I could see how it was like climbing a ladder. Small independent stores and handmade shops (she stalked etsy, too!) grew into bigger and more well-known sponsors.
It isn’t easy getting started, but it seems like once you do, it grows from there.
Thanks Liz! I think that’s what I’ll do…start stalking Etsy like a Nazi or something. I can definitely see how you have to work your way up…it’s just like every OTHER aspect of blogging that’s out there. So happy you guys put together this meme. I’m learning a ton!
I’ll be stalking this one because I’d like to see what others think.
From what I’ve gathered so far, the key is just stalking Etsy Shops and not being afraid to ask people if they are interested in sponsoring you. Make sure you read the comments. There was a LOT of good information offered up!