I could probably sit here for two hours and try to come up with a million and one reasons why you should stick around here. I could tell you all kinds of wonderful things about me and all the things that I believe in and aspire to do or anticipate accomplishing. In truth, everyone with a website is battling for your attention and hopes that you will stick around long enough to get to know them. I could feed you full of promises for life success or pin-worthy recipes. But, if I’m being honest I’ve got none of that.
You won’t find beautiful food photography, healthy dishes, and easy meals that can be prepared in multiple ways with the complete nutritional breakdown included. If I’m being honest with you, I do good to just put dinner on the table every night, my husband cooks more than I do and I have a handful of picky eaters in my life. Food and recipes just aren’t my forte.
I won’t be sharing life with an edge of humor in an attempt to make myself seem funny or witty. There are a lot of people who do sarcasm better than me, so any bits of humor and snarkiness is purely incidental.
I won’t be offering you pure visual satisfaction with my perfectly penned bible verses and gorgeous free script printable’s. Nor can I offer you tutorials or advice on hand-lettering and brush script.
I can’t give you a quick and easy way to lose 25 pounds or tone up in two hours. I like Tacos, ice cream, and Diet Dr. Pepper a little bit too much to share any kind of weight loss tips with you. While I have a weight loss program (or two) that I support and a fitness regime that I occasionally enjoy (and by ‘occasionally’ I mean, once in a blue moon).
I have a lot of demons in my past and I can’t pretend that they don’t show their ugly head time and time again. But, for whatever reason, the good Lord decided to lay it on my heart to share my story. My messy, broken, not at all perfect story.
I got really tired of posed, picture-perfect Sears catalog images when I was growing up. No one cares to remember the ugly Christmas sweaters and the horrible coordinating outfits. When my oldest son was born, I knew that I wanted to document life as it happened—not as I pretended it was. My photos are geared toward capturing the nuances and quirks of messy, everyday life. Dirty, unruly, chaos? That’s my jam. I also sell some of my work on Lightstock.
In 2008, I started tinkering with web design and fell in love with the creative outlet that it offered. Creating beautiful spaces and bringing the visions of small business owners to life is one of the things that excites me the most in life.
What you will find is a real and honest look at this crazy, messy, chaotic, joy-filled life that I live. Everything from my messy parenting fails and struggles with self-esteem to my hard-core faith and reason for quitting “American Christianity” once and for all. I share raw, emotion-filled posts on all of the hard things that some people are scared to talk about. I may be a hot mess most days, but I believe with my whole heart that God has given each of us a story to tell.