I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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  1. Oh, I know. Amazing, isn’t it?

  2. Sarah says:

    Oh! I love these photos. Soooo sweet.

  3. Mahina says:

    Gosh, I swear this post just summed up my life and almost makes me want to try for #2 even though Ke’alohi is only 10 months old.

  4. Barbie says:

    These pictures of your son melt my heart, and I just cannot get over those eyes!

  5. Lyka Ricks says:

    How Sweet Mother and Son Bond! It is Great that Parents should win the Hearts of their Little Ones, this is the start of an open communication between parents and children. Telling little secrets become a bonding and it’s funny and cute. When this little boy grew up, he will cherished all the good memoirs you have. Love Lots!

  6. Nessa says:

    beautiful… nothing like a mother and her son.

  7. Life As Wife says:

    Beautiful shots!

    I honestly don’t know I I can share myself with another baby, my little man has all of me. It’s scary wondering if you’ll be “enough” for more kiddos. (For me at least.)

  8. Mama Said says:

    I hear you. I’m a Mama of two boys. Me & #1 are the best of friends. We just get each other. I love number 2 with all my heart but its just different. Both love completely and totally unconditionally, but I think there is always a different bond with the one that made you a Mom. It’s good to have two little men. I wouldn’t want it any other way. With a face like that of course he stole your heart!

  9. Nicolette says:

    Such a sweet post. I felt the same way you described before having my daughter. But now my heart is fuller than I could have ever imagined. As far as the second, my Mom says your heart just gets bigger.

    BTW: I love the one with him at the table with his arms crossed. Too cute!

  10. L.O.V.E this post. Noah is so handsome!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.