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When I was pregnant with Little Man, one of the only gifts that I requested from anyone was a Glider Rocker. Somewhere I could sit with my new baby and relax, nurse, and
collapse at the end of an exhausting day and cuddle. When we put the nursery together and were in the process of fixing everything up, I left a space in the corner of the room dedicated to that r0cker.
While I was still in the hospital, waiting to come home with our new baby, my parents bought one and put it together for me. It sat waiting in that corner when the two of us arrived. It turned out to be everything I wanted it to be. A place to feed him, soothe him and relax at the end of a long and exhausting few hours of whatever issue he was suffering at the time (acid-reflux, constipation, projectile spit-up…you name it, he had it).
I always loved to rock him. That sense of closeness and bonding…the sweetness of his tiny little body wrapped up against mine. Protecting him. Shielding him from the outside world.
But, the older he’s gotten, the less and less he’ll stand for being rocked. He’s too wiggly and doesn’t sit still for much of anything anymore. There is too much other stuff going on…too much to see, too much to do. He’s busy. All the time, busy. So the Glider Rocker sits in the corner of our living room. Serving only as an extra seat for guests and a play area for our active toddler.
Monday night, after a long day with no nap, little man fell asleep early in his bedroom while watching Toy Story 2. For those of you who follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you know that this in itself is a rare occurrence. Little Man inherited the “night owl” gene from his mommy. I found him sleeping, tucked him in, and assumed he would snooze until Tuesday morning.
After tucking my husband in, I came downstairs (as per my usual these days) to get a little work done. There were blogs to read, emails to answer, comments to respond to, etc. etc. etc. Pending any interruption, I planned to be curled up and asleep next to my hubby by 11:00 easy. An early night for me.
Around 10:20 or so, I heard a door open upstairs. Assuming that Noah was making the transition from his bed to ours (something else that is occurring a bit more frequently these days), I kept working.
Then I heard him calling me…
“Mommy? Where[s] Mommy?”
Hoping he would just crawl in bed beside the husband, I didn’t move.
I heard the pitter patter of little feet a few moments later, hit the “save” button on my work and prepared to hoist myself out of my computer chair to carry him back to his room; explaining that “the sun is asleep, so it’s time for little boys to be asleep.”
I heard those little feet hit the tile floor and saw my sleepy little boy emerge into the living room, carrying puppy dog and rubbing his eyes. He walked over to my desk, squinting against the bright light of my illuminated computer screen and patted me on the leg.
“Mommy?” he asked softly (really softly. I could barely hear him) “Will you rock me?”
[Actually, it came out more “mommy, ou wock me?”]
My heart melted. And for the first time in a long time…probably too long, nothing else in the world mattered to me. Not the emails, the clients, the blogs, the comments…nothing.
Just me and him…reunited with that rocking chair for one more go.
I sat there with him for almost 30 minutes. His bare legs wrapped around my waist, covered in a tan fleece blanket. No noise other than the creaking of the chair we sat in and dull hum coming from the fan upstairs. He laid awake in my arms for a long time, unwilling to doze off, but unable to stay fully awake. I brushed the hair out of his face and stroked the end of his nose, just like I did when he was an infant. Memorizing his face…his long eyelashes, the single dimple on his left cheek, his upturned nose. Burning his tiny little scent into my mind forever.
As he drifted off, I watched the rain and the mist fall outside of our sliding glass door, acknowledging for the first time that when we leave here in two and a half years, he’ll be starting school…knocking on six years old. Not a baby anymore.
Time is slipping away from me…and moments like that I want to remember until I can’t.
That old glider rocker probably won’t see many more days with the two of us.
But, should the opportunity arise, I think we’ll both be ready.
LOVE to rock my kids. Presley still asks to be rocked. Keegan no longer fits in my lap to be rocked. But he’s the best cuddler EVER. We just recently talked about moving the glider out of Presley’s room to start preparing for the “big girl” room. I tear up just thinking about it.
::gulp:: we moved ours to our bedroom to make room for the new recliner Josh just HAD to have (which rocks, too). Hard to believe Presley is big enough for a big girl room. Sad day….
What a sweet moment. My boys rarely rock these days, but I am enjoying their cuddles so much, knowing that soon, they will be too big for them.
Absolutely. Hard to imagine them so big that they won’t love on their mama’s anymore.
Aww, I loved this post and love that photo. So sweet.
Thank you, Sarah!
This melted my heart. I rocked each of my kids to sleep at night and as they get old they want it less and less. But on those rare occasions where they’ll let me sit and rock them, I take it. And I hold on to those moments, just the two of us, sitting and rocking in the dark.
Exactly. I always remind myself that those moments are rare and won’t last forever. One day, he’ll be too big to sit in my lap. And on those days, I’ll come back and read this post.
This is so sweet!! We sold our rocker when we moved last year. I didn’t replace it…but now I wish I would have. I loved rocking my kids!
I plan to hang on to ours for as long as it holds up. My grandma still had her old rocker before she passed away. Some real history with that chair…
Awe, that is so sweet! Doesn’t it make it all worth it?
Crazy, I just posted a heart melting post on my blog too…about 1 minute before I came over and read yours! 🙂
♥ Kyna
It really, really does. Moments like that make every tantrum, every fit and every long day worth it.
Oh my goodness, this post melted my heart! So very precious. We didn’t have space for my glider, so we gave it to a couple here in the complex who just had a baby. Hold that moment forever and ever Courtney! They just grow up too fast.
They really do. That’s one of those things that I’ll always, always remember. And part of the reason that I wanted to make sure I wrote it down.
So very sweet. Our kiddo will still let us rock him if he’s really tired or not feeling well, but usually he’s just a whirlwind of activity. Sad to know there are a limited number of rockings left.
Agreed. Typically I only get to rock my baby boy when he’s not feeling well. It’s a special occasion when I get an extra snuggle in here or there.
Same here… I love my glider and loved rocking Maddy in it but she’s not into it anymore. 🙁 There is a part of me that’s a little happy when she gets upset and wants some cuddle time… I know it won’t be long before she’ll be too old to snuggle with me…
I am right there with you. I don’t like for Noah to be sick, but I do enjoy the extra snuggle time and sweetness that comes with a sick baby.
Awww that is so sweet. We already have 2 chairs that rock/glide in our house already. My mom has a children’s boutique so the first one was left over from her furniture store….we have it in our bedroom now and I LOVE it…it may or may not move to a nursery one day. The second one is a rocker/recliner for my husband. He originally wanted a standard recliner, but when I got him that one, he just loves it.
Enough about me though – Noah asking to be wocked is so cute.
We just moved our glider into our bedroom and replaced its presence downstairs with a recliner (that rocks, of course). I figure it will be a nice compromise when baby #2 comes along. And the new recliner? Much easier to fall asleep in than the glider.