Daddy’s Boy all the way
The low country boil we fixed for Josh’s birthday…way too much food.

The Red Sox cake I made Josh. The inside of it was Red. Not red velvet, just a red cake. The wonder of food coloring 🙂
Finally got little man down for a decent nap this afternoon and trying my hardest to relax. Blogging is my outlet. Josh has to go back to work to do his last 2 night hours tonight at work, so we are both laying in bed resting while we can.
I have a request for those of you who read this. My grandaddy, PawPaw, isn’t doing really well. He has had a lot of heart trouble over the past several years (Bypass, Valve Replacement, Pacemaker…) and his heart is just wearing out. He’s back in the hospital right now in Alabama and they are basically telling us that we are just waiting for him to slip away. He has made his peace with God and knows where he is going when he dies. He isn’t afraid and seems eager to see my Maw again. I ask that all of you out there would just keep my family in your prayers. It’s going to be hard if he does pass away, but he is so weak right now that physically he will probably be better off.
On a happier note, Noah finally started crawling. Not just scooting with his head, but crawling. He hasn’t really gone very far because when he started doing it this afternoon he was crying wanting me to give him a bottle, then he napped, so I haven’t been able to see how far he can go yet. He is wiggling his tongue now too. Flaps it around like a snake. It’s so cute! He is really getting around the kitchen in his walker too. He likes to bump into our heels…and the wall…and the stove…and the dishwasher…lol. He is so much fun. I’ve never understood how happy a child could make someone until I had my own. There is no greater joy in life than looking at a happy baby and knowing that he is yours. I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life.